Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween

Wonder Woman, the Curious One,
The Raccoon and the Eagle, the Pirate and
the Ant, a few random others,
we drank Root and laughed as the 
alcohol burned our throat and filled our
nostrils with the smell of root beer.
One from Mexico, another from Guatamala,
two from Brazil and four from Venezuela,
a few Americans.
Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 30, 2017

being part of a group

Last summer
I longed for being part of that group
the one I saw through the neighbor's window
there was a dark haired woman lifting her glass
to her friends and everyone was smiling.
Growing up
I wanted to be part of that other group of kids going
A few years ago, I thought
I'd even be ok with paying to
be part of a therapy group,
until I did and hated it.
no, it had to be a group who wanted me.
I tried to make groups, but no one joined.
tonight I looked around the circle at Lucas
and Mestre, Arisca and Vicki, Juan and Cristol,
at Sabe and Gina and knew that finally
I was part of a group.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

The ballot

And when the boxes are filled in and
The stamp is pressed into the little box,
When the votes have been counted,
We'll drink a toast to 
Whatever has happened, whether win or lose,
The sun will come up and decisions will be made.
I'll get back to reading the local paper for fun events,
FaceBook occasionally with no fear of "notifications"
Life will be easier, I'll drink some wine because I like
It, not because I need it.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Boulder Politics

Skateboarders and scholars,
Families and fun-seekers,
Climbers and cats sleeping on window sills
What happened to Boulder,
My sleepy town.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Heading towards the abyss

Today at 9 p.m. I head for the abyss,
traversing snowfields and ice on Thursday
into the lowlands sometime Friday.
it's a hike up from there, over some low hills,
down towards a stream and back up into higher 
hills.  Sunday, we'll climb steeply at 70 degrees
only to fall again
we have no visibility into the future after that,
be sure to bring extra clean underwear and socks.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Dead Battery

I should have listened to Steve.
But instead, I met Nacho and drove
For an hour along tree-lined roads,
Fall colors in full show
Through rocky canyons
Up steep winding roads, along bubbling
Brooks, taking curves just fast enough,
And when I got home, my battery was still

Monday, October 23, 2017

Educe and Lucre

I thought of myself as an intellectual
until I started doing the NYT mini-crossword puzzles
the ones for five year olds.
I may not be faulted for the names of football players
or the actress in West Wing, but educe and
lucre cannot be forgiven,
much less forgotten no more than two
minutes after the crossword is done.
it's a hoax, these crossword puzzles,
if they are mini, then what, pray tell,
does that say about me.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Endless sky

nothing seems to matter when the fence
disappears into the distance, the wires lined
up with the horizon
a few clouds hanging above the flat endless
the grass is golden now, dry, crisp
the landscape is stark, harsh and accepting
all at once
our bones will turn to dust as we gaze
at the endless horizon, the wires on the fence
the grass is green, then turns to brown.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

in the early morning

in the early morning, 
who is working in that tall building on the hill,
whose lights are burning bright, whose minds
are whirring still after a long night.
on the ground, it is still dark
the quiet only broken by the shuffle of my feet,
the clicking of her claws on the sidewalk
there is no one here, only us to watch
the glorious rose-colored clouds sweep
across the landscape.
it will be light soon.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

the house and the bike

the house and the bike are old,
one is on stilts, being raised from so many
years of sinking 
the workers smoke cigarettes in the front
and smiled at my compliments.
the bike is loaded with red wine,
six bottles in a special bag,
a seventh tucked in the side
the wine guy insisted on it.
this old bike, this old house have
so many stories to tell, of falling leaves
and whispers in the wind.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The grasslands

I rode by, at first, noticing the golden grasses
and the sky, the clouds and this moment.
and I knew 
that this moment had to be captured
the golden grass, the hills, the sky, the clouds
the warmth of this day
soon there will be frost and cold and my
mittens will stay on my hands.
So, I stopped and returned to this spot
where the summer has stalled to finish
painting the grasses, the sky and the hillsides
the final colors of this season.
I had to capture it, to hold this image close
to my heart until the warmth comes again.

Monday, October 16, 2017

The Coffee Shop

I knew she would be interesting 
As soon as I confirmed that she was alone.
Women on their own are always more interesting,
Bold enough to make eye contact with a stranger.
I was alone
With my cup of Earl Grey 
I was entranced by the silhouette of a man
With spiked hair against the window.
So we talked in French and English
Until a young man walked up to her
And then a young man walked up to me.
We are so interesting, her and I, that young
Men walk up to us.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Hiking in Cowboy Boots

 a long shadow
cowboy boots, a long skirt
The Western Woman.
Ready to hike up the steep scrabble
To the old mine 
Turquoise and iron, galena and copper
Bandannas to shield the men from 
Relentless sun, their canteens hot,
Not enough water to quench the
Enduring thirst.
She’s a cowgirl but she’s not holding a 
Pickaxe, only the edge of her skirt,
She gingerly steps up the slope
Anticipating lunch the next town over.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Running a political campaign

I knew there was a reason I didn't want to deal with the public.
I headed for the laboratory, or put my nose in a book,
I surrounded myself with smart people, those who engage their minds
and speak full sentences, I like being around people who don't
rant and rave, spewing venomous monologue through their fingers
onto Twitter or Facebook, Instant Messenger or Instagram.
I'm doing this for her, for the woman with the gentle heart,
the probing mind, the years of watching and learning and watching
some more.
she should not have to deal with this campaign poison.
I find it rather entertaining when someone else speaks up
for us and I can just watch it all go by.
In a month, this will be over and maybe she will be in front
of a podium, perhaps not, but I will be done with the public
it can't come too soon.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


This 1" x 1" square of titanium
floated in blue off the coast of Florida
as fish floated nearby and a plethora of
organisms looked for a roost, a place to call home
they called this home,
some shells and algae and other crusty souls
landed and stuck together as a colony
of survivors on a rocky island.
pulled from the sea, held by a gloved
hand, they may wonder what has
become of their home
soon to be sheared from their 
moorings in the name of science.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

500 Women Scientists

We're the 1% who showed up tonight,
writing postcards and arguing about committees
and sub-committees and sub-sub-committees.
this is what groups do to grow
we argue and fight and either spinter into a million
shards, or 500, or 5
or unite, the young and old, the academics, the
unemployed, the employed,
but we are all 

Monday, October 9, 2017

The first snow

blades of grass stick up through the first snow
branches bow and break
crashing down onto roadways
I saw one falling close by,
its branches snapping, then crashing
through underlying ones before
striking the ground
snow falls so gently, the grasses
support this light blanket while
branches, leaves laden with 
heavy wet snow tumble towards
the ground, 
delicacy next to destruction.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Hanging Out/ Hanging On

on this sunny day in October
tomatoes ripening the sun
a storm is looming
we bask, the caterpillar and I
for the last moments before the rain
your stripes, your feet, your perfection
capture me, and I remove the small branch
and carry you, gazing rapt at your
spots and your little red tail.
some children came by and we petted you
like a small cat, feeling your rough
skin on our fingertips.
you are perfection
Waking from revery, my hands reached
again between tomato vines, grasping
the green fruits to bring in from
the looming storm.  
I will go inside to be warm, but
you will be out in the rain
this is what caterpillars do.

Friday, October 6, 2017

riding solo

My bike is alone in the rack,
I see the cars stopped in gridlock
behind it.
The long shadow is lovely, I can
stand in the sun and admire it.  
The white car heading north is moving now,
the cars heading south are stalling in 
I'll ride solo on wide sidewalks
punctuated by driveways, drivers
studiously looking to the right as I
come up from their left.
I'll stop so I can keep riding 

Thursday, October 5, 2017

being a housewife after work

12 c of oatmeal mixed with nuts,
honey, oil and vanilla extract,
Oh, no, no oil so I wander the
neighbors pantries with Bella,
we are lucky to find some.
Off to the market to get milk,
Six quarts to an almost boil in
an improvised double boiler
while I play flute and do my exercises
as old age is chasing me
I resist.
and then the milk has to cool,
and the yogurt culture mixed in,
and whole shebang put in hot
water for a nice bath.
It will yoge for me.
and then the granola comes out
of the oven and
it smells heavenly.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

music in the park

it doesn't matter how she plays
she's out there in the park on a dreary day
we hear the sound of her heart beat,
not from nervousness, but steady and strong.
she's out in the park, not as a perfect musician,
just a person who has the guts to do it,
with mistakes, with her husband whistling along.
he can whistle all the music she plays flawlessly.
that's love. 

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

To all those who

To all those who unregistered to vote because of Trump,
it's time to register, 
it's time to vote.
To all those who stayed home tonight instead of
venturing out into the community
it's time to speak
To all those who ride their bikes on cold days
let's celebrate you
you are one less car
and to all those who give lovingly of your time and
we celebrate you,
you are what makes the world so beautiful.

Monday, October 2, 2017


Waiting for warmth
That only comes from corn bags
Hand made with love,
Cold, they go into the microwave
Hot, they come out
Fresh, smelling of popcorn.
Onto my toes and hands, warming
Them from ice
To molten chocolate.

Sunday, October 1, 2017


I don't like the public,
which is why I study micrometeoroids and space debris,
why I am in my office and not at meetings
that I generally find to be useless with more
than 2 people attending.
The public is annoying, posting commentary
on FaceBook that is one-sided, ill-considered,
rude or all three.
I rejoice in the nice ones.
I'm not fit to interact with the public
being impatient and snobbish,
Campaigning reminds me of this,
it's good to be reminded.