Friday, March 30, 2018

I've been looking

I've been looking for beauty, I found
a star suspended over frozen ground.
That is beauty.
I've been looking instead of writing,
looking for something new, startling,
hidden perhaps, not written in bold face
type or revealed in the New York Times.
I'm been looking for beauty 
Look what I found.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Long Road

not a soul in sight
only an occasional tumbleweed
rolled by, the bushes trembled
this is the long road
the one that we ultimately travel alone
the companions fall away into their own mysteries
the landscape erodes and the circle of
day and night stops when
our eyes stop seeing, we hope in
the end that someone lovingly
closes our eyelids for us.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Packing for Cats

Ollie and Pickle.
Afrin and Ventolin.
Pantanol and Nasonex.
As they frolic and jump in my lap
I will stand up to reach for a tissue
no sitting on a comfy sofa, 
a cloud of dander would rise to meet me.
Ah, cats, I can love them
from a distance.

Sunday, March 18, 2018


Sirens blasting, the roar of firetrucks,
police cars, unmarked vans and cars
all rushing towards the mountain
in the distance, I could see small orange
specks moving along the perimeter
our brave men and women who take on
the heat and flames of fire.
I watch from a safe distance, my heart
beating for all those who flee, whose homes
are burned to the ground, the 
deer and cougar, the birds, the small ground
animals, I curse those who started this
human caused fire.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Cycling Seven Continents

900 miles of straight across the tundra
a rough gravel road, the tedium only punctured
by crowds of small children at remote villages
selling bottles filled with water from questionable sources
their smiles light the sky
yet in the Andes, amidst towering peaks, brilliant
shawls and skirts contrast with grey and brown rock,
their smiles light the sky.
in America, the farmer from Oklahoma, tall in his cowboy
hat and boots, examining these lycra-clad men on
bikes with skepticism and amazement.
even the squeaking frog on their front handle bars
did not elicit a smile.
The white smiles of the African people were the
warmest of all, their smiles light the sky.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Stephen Hawking

at 3 am, in between coughing fits,
I learned that black holes emit particles, where have I been
Stephen told us this long ago and I wasn't listening
to his synthesized American accented voice
(being British, a definite irk, he said, in an American accent)
and how, how can we complain about our small aches and pains,
hard work, our small lives as this giant, this diminutive hunched
man, bright eyes behind thick glasses, works out the mysteries
of the universe, in his head,
at 3 am, make it 4 am., I am in awe, and great
sadness as his passing.
let us all be inspired to act.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

incipient racism

I took the test, the Harvard test.
the one that tells you what you fear to know
I have high incipient racism although I
never signed up for it I learned it somewhere
from the TV and the movies, from others,
from never living with them side by side,
instead buffered by a wall of indifference and
bigotry, I learned with the rest of them
and now
when the survey says I am racist, it pierces
my heart but engages my brain
knowledge is power
change is possible

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Black is beautiful

Black is beautiful
Powerful women are beautiful
wielding swords and spinning disks
they plunge forth into battle
eyes shining with determination 
we must follow them

Saturday, March 10, 2018

pink cashmere

I was wearing pink cashmere
to match the baby blue skies, drifting 
wisps of white completed the pastel
a few hardy souls braved the cold wind
we watched them come down from a distance
a trail of ants descending along a sinuous path
pink cashmere, so soft and luxurious,
(even with many small moth holes)
is not so warm in a cold wind,
we headed down the hill towards

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

alone in the field

the photographers gathered at the edge
of the field, their camera poised for 
the perfect shot.
snow white.
we were young and old, children
tugging at their parents hands, an
older Japanese couple seemingly
frozen in time
this is a timeless moment
where beauty is right in front
of you, in front of us
we pause, and move on,

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

the dish trail

the dish vibrates in synchrony
with messages from the stars
if only we could understand them

Monday, March 5, 2018

mother and son

we started drinking at 10 am at the winery
having passed through verdant meadows
climbed up hillsides and across running streams
this was our reward
my reward, to be with my son, 
towering over me, so full of life, 
the confidence of youth, the optimism 
in new love,
and yet, he worries, too
about the future and what it holds
for him and his generation
for this, I am very sad.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

OK, it's time

OK, it's time...
it's been thirteen years that this lad has hung about,
a never ending big smile, that adorable gap in his teeth.
he's the one that informed me that people who write emails 
at 3 am need to sort a few things out,
tortured is not his thing.
ok, so I stumbled across this picture somewhere
in a random pile on my deska and figured,
it's time that this young lad, sporting a few greys now...
had a place on my office bookcase, amidst
those of my rabbit and my kids.
it's been a long wait.