Friday, October 16, 2020

Missing you

it's COVID, you stopped seeing each other
Zoom fatigue, a general malaise,
our world is small, we
lost touch
maybe she married someone in 
the wrong Party and it's too
painful during an election season
to talk, you have lost trust
you love each other
but speak different languages, separated
by time and space, too painful,
one friend walks away.
he is the most missed,
lost friend 
of all. 

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Happy to be home

Normally disinterested in being home, 
with two boring parents (no children,
no other dogs), today it seems ok
being home to hunt for sunflower seeds 
scattered across the floor after her walk
each morning, bowls slick with yogurt
to clean up for the dishwasher, pots 
and pans, crumbs on plates, large ladles
still dripping with soup, 
home is ok even if there are no children
and no other dogs.
there are treats and dishes and walks
and rides in the bike trailer.
even hugs from dad and mom are ok 
after all.  
it's good to be home.