Saturday, November 21, 2020

If you were here


 If you were here,
we'd meet at Le French Cafe for croissants and coffee
bundled in down jackets
masks around our necks
it's a strange time
If you were here and COVID was not,
I'd sneak over to your house for a margarita,
we'd laugh like idiots, me especially, and 
then I'd todder back home, happy and sated.
.we will have to wait for better days.
If you were here, we would discuss family matters,
you would be kind about mine, and I, about yours. 
Families, in all stripes, are complicated and involve much
If you were here and COVID was not,
I would look over your shoulder while you were cooking
because I'm doing that now
and it's fun
but especially, if you were here,
I could look directly into your eyes, and see the 
rapidly changing expressions dance across your face.
If you were here,
I would not have to miss you.

Friday, November 13, 2020

This is Stephen

Three half empty bottles of hand soap.
I laughed in recognition of my love, the one
who saves bags and boxes of rags to clean his bike,
enough to carelessly throw away when they are dirty
but they pile up in the yard
"they may be useful one day"
I collected seven "technically empty" tubes
of sunscreen, emptying the last few drops into
a glass jar - we are conservateurs, after all.
I'm not sure how many bike pumps wander 
at night throughout the house, or dog bowls,
there are so many shirts that don't fit,
and never will.
He is a salve to the American buy-it/throw-it culture
but I wish he would empty one before opening

Saturday, November 7, 2020

waiting for Biden

they say he's too old, yet another white male
I can tell he's had a face lift,  it was well done, quand meme.
I can't wait until he's President
hoping he'll push the other White Guy in a ditch 
on the way in.
No, he is such a gentleman.
the Police will do their job.  
I am waiting/ we are waiting for Biden to take the helm,
when the world can look upon us with envy, 
instead of horror and pity.
I'm waiting, let this race be called today!!!

P.S. He just won!