Saturday, January 30, 2021


no matter that she is 32, a mother, a professor,
a wife, a friend to others, she will always
be my baby girl, Karen Aline.
A Christmas gift of cotton jammies in hearts
for all of us, for Mira, Karen and me.
I wait with impatience for our trip when all
three of us will be garbed in hearts, 
sleepily drinking coffee or tea,
on the carpet playing, all in hearts

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Playing harmonica with Mira


The position was not quite right, 

but as she exhaled and inhaled,

the soft, sweet sound of 

the harmonica reached my ear.

she may have been as surprised as me

and we stared at each other, I laughed 

out loud, her expression unchanged.

this is my little girl, the serious one

who, I know, will surprise us in 

so many ways.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

three minutes - Lady GaGa

I had heard of her
but never seen her, or heard her
sing, but on this day, on this wonderful
day, ending the most horrible four years, 
i was glad to see her in her beautiful blonde hair
and extravant dress, knowing that I would probably
never see her again, nor hear her voice

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Chickpea mania

sold out.
the pandemic drug 
for all those who rediscover
cooking, out of boredom
to escape the drone of the
of their spouse
heads phones secured over their heads
extra insurance, the puffing
of the pressure cooker
it's a drug
to keep us all sane

Monday, January 25, 2021

Useful phrases in Wolof

one never know when it might be useful.
perhaps before asking for mosquito netting in 
a small hotel in Casamance,
the one I stayed at last time
where the owner was Italian
I think his name was Mario
and I didn't agree with the rave
reviews of his pizza either.
I never did have problems with mosquitos
there even though I dutifully took my
malaria pills
it's here that I get mosquito bites but 
no one would understand me if I said
yoo yi, nu ngi may matt.  

Friday, January 22, 2021

Someone is reading this

Someone told me that he is reading
this - and he knows about my life that 
I thought was somehow secret
Silly of me - my life is here
in black New Roman font
my favorite.
So, my friend, know that I'm 
touched that you read this, that you know
about Mira, her chubby legs, that we
spend so much time together
playing harmonica and passing my 
Senegalese bracelet back and forth,
a smile with each exchange.
Friend, I am glad we are friends through
all these years, one day when I
travel across the sea, 
I will see you and
you will see me!

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Chubby legs

Fat folds in her thighs
and her arms, her wrists,
a double chin and vast jowls
this child is not going hungry
still nursing, as well as breakfast,
lunch, dinner, snack. 
we are always at the table it seems
now she's crawling, shall we call it that
and she'll slim down
in the meantime I laugh
at all the rolls of fat

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The Biden-Kamala presidency - Hope rises up

I was happy.

Tears welled up watching Kamala

take the oath, pride that our new

leaders spoke of unity and peace,

regardless of those who believe otherwise.

Laws will be passed, systems will be dismantled,

Animals will roam free in the Alaska Wildlife Refuge

and filthy oil will not flow from Canada.

The building of one border wall will pause,

Another border will open, to Muslims once banned.

Let those who stoke hate find that the law

will be enforced, but they also can benefit

from a government that cares.

I hope for peace, for decency,


Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The generosity of friends


one day there will be young women like this
smiling, in chef's hats and coats, under his tutelage
ready to go out into the world and earn their place in the world
I want to be there to see it, see them strolling out into the street
past wide-eyed men, heads up, no time to waste, clutching their
new handbag, stylish but practical shoes.
I'll work for that and ask my friends
they help, too.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Thiébu jèn

Thiébu jèn for my birthday dinner
put away the roast chicken, dear husband!  
I can close my eyes and feel the sun on my face
hear the sound of the sea, young men kicking
a soccer ball, my friends all around me
Dakar, I miss you, namm na laa.
deuge la, bi lay.  

Sunday, January 17, 2021

We walked in the woods

we walked through the woods
the spikes on our shoes piercing ice
seemingly more dogs than people up here
once we left the maddening crowds
in the parking lot
fantastic walls of rock rise above us
peering down over the centuries onto 
the single species that destroys its own
world, methodically
the walls wonder at our ways
as we wonder at their beauty
the ice gives way under the spikes
on our shoes
the clicking of crushing ice

Friday, January 15, 2021


a sweaty Seven Minute Workout = 1 tsp of peanut butter

that's what he told me

right after he bragged about losing 6 pounds

6 pounds of the 30 he needs to lose

I'm just fine, my jelly belly wiggles with 

each jumping jack

well earned, two babies 

a fine reward.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

A mother with her child at the market

her favorite book
she'll scoot across the floor for it
commando style.
her small white hands trace the
outlines of the beautiful mother with her 
child, their beautiful skin, her
beautiful scarf,
their smiles and joy in the market
one day Mira will go with me
to see mothers with their children 
in the market.
this is my hope. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Favorite Mira toys

forget the plastic, the Fischer-Price
the educational, baby-tested and certified. 
A shiny bronze bracelet still reflecting the 
sun from  the beach in Dakar
I still laugh at the heated bargaining
and when I first put it onto my wrist.
a handmade drum from the same place,
a different seller, a Guinean, a painted lion
on the back, nails hammered flat for plucking
and the insulated mug from Meredith
the one that Karen wanted to have received
even though she didn't want it.
Mira, you will look at the pictures one day and recognize

Monday, January 11, 2021

Monday morning break-up


Doesn't everyone want to break up 
with their job on dark, cold Monday mornings?
a fumble, a smack on a hard kitchen floor 
Ball and I have broken in two this morning.
thank goodness no coffee was spilled.
even when I leave you, Ball, your stamp will
still be upon me after these 17 years
together, you'll still have a small spot
in my heart.

Friday, January 8, 2021

It's hard to make a habit

It's hard to make a habit
at the end of the day, when 
a warm bed calls and so does
the husband, in the bed, waiting 
for me, to sleep
one cannot sleep without the other
me, I make habits and commit to them
even if they are of the 5 minute sort,
or even the 3 minutes that it takes
to heat up my corn bag
to stay warm tonight.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Joy....followed by the horror of mob rioting at the Capitol by Trump supporters


So soon after joy
disbelief, shock,  rage, horror
seeing our flag, my flag, used by 
a mob of Trump supporters to storm
the Capitol.
They can never take my country
Our country
Peace will win
even Pence could squeeze the 
words out of his treasonous 

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

A Joyous Day


 a black minister
who believes in peace and justice
elected in Georgia,
of all places.
joy, oh, joy.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Mira on the Move

Mira on the move, 
swimming on land, crabbing
she moves rapidly, like a commando,
towards Bella, yet unsuspecting of the upcoming
ambush, but ever cautious, alert eyes and ears
who is this newcomer who forces her onto the 
couch, who steals the attentions of her parents.
Mira on the move
if there was any doubt about who would be 
running this house
it's gone now.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Chasing slippers

They slide across the floor, rising up suddenly
below the horizon, then soaring above
those fuzzy slippers, seeming to move in some 
sort of mysterious dance that her mind cannot 
comprehend, her eyes can barely follow
a legs length away, I watch her watching
and following my feet, her puzzlement at 
where they have gone and why they have reappeared.
we wonder at these sorts of things as each moment
appears, only to disappear in front of our eyes.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Baby-proofing the house

How wonderful to be a Queen, 
sitting on Opa's lap as his back creaks
watching over the workers applying foam padding
over any sharp edge where Her Highness might bonk her head
one day, covering warm radiator pipes where Miss Fuss Face
might put her precious hand.
We do it happily, as she gurgles and cries out,
at times waving to us with a curled fist
urging us on
as tomorrow is the start of the week
and we will all be under her command, one at a
time, eagerly awaiting her next instruction. 

tag. Mira

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Day 2 - can’t fail yet

In bed
I remember my resolution 
To write every day, not well
But good enough to capture a 
Bean puttanesca and roast chicken
My daughter sitting across from me
Echoes of so many years gone by
Years to come when another 
Little girl will sit across from me
I know she will
No longer Miss Fuss Face
Someone remarkable
I know.
Jenny's Daily Poetry fix


Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year, Miss Grumpy Face


you are so serious
while I rejoice in holding you in my arms,
Miss Grumpy Face

Happy New Year, Little One
dressed up for the New Year, ready to step out
without knowing it, looking forward to 
play dates with other babies, seeing how they manage to crawl and walk,
conversing in languages only babies understand, 
resting in the arms of both sets of grandparents,  
sunny days in the park with mom and dad's friends
sitting in a cafe watching the people go by
hearing voice and laughter of strangers
in strange and wonderful languages.
We will do so many fun things in 2021,
my Little One,
my Miss Grumpy Face,
I love you
no matter what.

tag: Mira