Friday, April 30, 2021

The dog with her baby/the baby with her dog

who owns who
among these two; the one licks
the other's face; the other pulls on 
the other's tags; each is the other as 
far as I am concerned.
the one eases up to her feet, stretching 
to hide in her bed, the other crawls after her.
one yelps in delight, the other emits a
warning growl, walks away,
then comes back, licks her face
both speak in their own language
of attachment

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Look, and you will see beauty

I did not see
until I opened my eyes and 

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Multi-layer Insulation blanket venting

I'll miss thinking about multi-layer insulation blankets.
Their shiny exterior, sometimes yellow, sometimes silver,
Kapton or Double Aluminized Mylar, or even white,
Tedlar, tiny titanium dioxide powders scattering light.
I'll miss thinking about rocket launches, and how a small
flap might quiver during the transonic regime, you'd 
hear the whistle of wind if you were there.
maybe you'll see the slight billow of a blanket
I'll miss talking to my friends about MLI blankets
but no one says that I can't quietly think of them
while I lie quietly in my bed at night.
in space, they will reflect the stars. 

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Gardening help

she gets around now, and its time to lend a hand
one year old, having taken it easy, it's time to
do what she can,
pull dead grasses from the garden and put
them in the pile on the green tarp
only to dismantle the pile and start again.
practice makes perfect.

tag: Mira

Monday, April 26, 2021

I love waffles

I personally would never drop a waffle on the ground.
Are you kidding?  A waffle, beautifully browned,
circular, waiting to be drenched in maple syrup.
The real thing, not the fake stuff.
I would put sliced strawberries and 
freshly whipped cream, a dash of confectioners
drop it not a possibility.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Fly away

it's almost time now
to fly away free, to leave it all behind
soon, before it's too late, when
the body has failed us, the mind,
when the garden no longer flowers
and berries no longer ripen on the vines.
it's time now
while energy surges through our veins
we spring up from bed to greet the dawn
and everything is possible.
fly away then, Jenny, fly away
the world awaits you

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Repair person in training

I'm worthless at such things,
fixing leaks, patching holes, or even 
unplugging slow drains.  I need help.
I think she has it in her, the way with tools,
a willingness to try, to see if this new tool
can do anything interesting, like open
the lid of Mimi's hamper, or at least,
make interesting sounds, maybe chip off
some paint, dent the floor when it falls 
from her small hands.
She will look down at it on the floor
and wonder how it got there,
and if I will pick it up for her.
the answer is no,
sweet, darling.

tag. Mira

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Interstitial venting

during launch depressurization
the air must flow along infinitely thin layers 
towards an opening to space, to see the stars.
this air, earth-bound only a moment ago,
each one rattling as in a cage of madness,
a Brownian motion going nowhere,
now free, flying outward with no limit 
escaping from all worries, all fears.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021


these shoes 
walked the streets of Quebec
Italian, they are, with their fine leather
and delicate straps
these shoes have walked the streets of Paris,
and the dusty roads and pathways of Dakar.
I have turned and kicked in these shoes,
dancing to the music of capoeira
in my sunny room upstairs.
they are lined in sheepskin, so soft
inside, they will travel around the 
world, these Italian shoes, these
dancing, spinning shoes.  

Monday, April 19, 2021

needy dog

she follows us around like this
wedged between our legs.
this must be "effect of pandemic on dog",
the same dog that used to sleep all day
now seems incapable of being alone, 
herding me inside if I am out, nudging 
me when I am holding the baby,
how I dare I,
keeping safe from potential dangers
such as the sporadic firecracker or thunder
even though its not the season.
it's hard to walk like this, with this dog,
I pity her for her anxiety,
I wish she'd just go to her bed. 

Friday, April 16, 2021

my son

I adopted him, Ameth.
love does that
the unintentional, although I did 
go looking across the ocean for him.
I admit
I fell in love with this little boy some
years ago
we wrote to each other, I sent a soccer ball
and now 
he is tall, very tall, and sweet and smart
and in Italy wearing his suite and tie
keeping an eye on the customers.
somehow he became my son,
and still has his own mother, too
who I adore
she leaves me messages in Wolof
I almost understand them.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Cotton Candy Peeps

this UCLA Professor, Madame Karen,
Herr Docteur, Ph.D. Harvard University
please don't disturb
loves even this kind of Peep,
Cotton Candy flavored Peeps.
I would never have bought them but
for the generosity of the 
Former Foreign Service to the County
of Cameroon, offered them to me
one sunny day.
How could I refuse
so this
Highly Intellectual Madame,
Mother of Mira,
took them gladly into her own hands,
and into her mouth
check out that smile. 

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Papa and baby

there is no better place
than to be on Papa's back on a stroll
through the parks, watching the butterflies
and hearing the bees, smelling the flowers
and touching the hair on the back of Papa's neck.
no better place I'd rather be than here
on Papa's back, for all the world to see.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Advice for working mothers

this is what we come up with,
in my case, what I came up with
while cooking dinner, doing dishes
and laundry, sneaking five minutes to
use the bathroom hoping that no diasters
ensued in the meantime.  
this is motherhood, a creative endeavor
of almost disasters, nominally cleaner floors
after a second pass through, and finally,
all the others have fallen asleep in 
my arms
I take a deep breath and 
sink into blessed silence.

Monday, April 12, 2021

just passing through

the same landscape saw knights crossing these marshes
more than a thousand years ago, and this dawn morning
this elderly gentleman rides his bike along this lonely road,
the shimmer of a rear tail light disappears into the trees.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

last musings on my white board in RA-4

I labeled the 11 boxes for my peeps
loaded my last one into my car and as a last
farewell, gazed at my beloved white board.
so many fond memories of noodling through so
many problems, with Sam or Jordan, or so 
many others, and how I missed that so
during this pandemic year of losses.
maybe I will mount one to my wall in my 
little corner where I think deep thoughts
and invite my friends for salons to ...
think deep thoughts together.
there is nothing so fine as a white board
with good erasers and many colored markers.
this one, I will never forget.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Arugula in Spring

the arugula showed up in the garden
without being asked, in the pathway even,
mixed in with the weeds,
a bounty from last season gone to seed 
scattered by the wind
I am thankful for the greens topped with
white flowers, we'll eat them tonight
coated in oil and vinegar.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

When you were young

It's been 35 years now, to the day,
since you were born, wrenched into
this world, perhaps unwillingly, but 
soon out to overcome all obstacles,
large and small.
Some failures, the baby sister who
would not go away,
other successes, beating the big kids
at cards at the YMCA summer camp.
Jobs come and go, always seeking the
place where people were smarter,
steep, rocky canyons to dirt bike
and impossibly steep ski slopes.
Why not cross the Sahara Desert
by yourself when you're 18.
As your mother, I look the other way
and hope for the best.
So far, so good.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

I was smiling until I wasn't

Day Two
101.5, achy, headache and miserable.
I was smiling yesterday, until I wasn't
It's ok, I begged for Tylenol from the neighbors,
drank hot tea and ate chicken soup,
tomorrow will be better, 

Monday, April 5, 2021

Vaccine #2

In two weeks, I would have said that I was free.
Free to see my friends, jet off to far away places,
travel, drink, chat in the company of strangers.
Alas, I will dutifully wear my mask until 
we know that the vaccinated cannot transmit
to the unvaccinated, until we know whether the 
variants will kill us
the sense of freedom is not yet upon us
but soon, soon, 
I will fly away free with my friends,
with you.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Sunshine, finally

I had to be outside.
Spring was here, green shoots 
pushing up through dead leaves, birds
singing, the sun
so warm on my skin, it was hot
The path was dry, even the mud
had dried in the heat, one day
the footsteps will be unearthed,
each tread to be studied by 
those who will come behind
us one day, wondering what
ever became of the middle-aged
woman, size 7 shoe,
wearing Lowe boots.
I was here. 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Work artifact 1

So many notebooks
some, each page filled with equations,
notes, drawings - years worth of projects,
thoughts, experiments, programs, people
how can I throw them away like so much trash,
even think of them recycled into newspaper print,
I can't let them life is in those pages
memories of the days of ambiguity, of a miasma
 of uncertainty finally blossoming into clarity,
so many times, I don't want to forget.
So here, they will live on as artifacts. 
no one but me will recognize their meaning
that's all that matters.