Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Now two, soon three

Mom and Dad - soon to be,
today, two, September, three, a little boy,
Owen, I think, or will he be Henry,
or any of a million other names.
One bike, three people, no more
bike rides down to Pearl Street
for intimate dinners for two.
Perhaps baby in the basket, mama in the back
papa pedaling, to the park, to grandma's,
new adventures, new bike. 

Thursday, June 17, 2021

I want this Tuff Shed

I want this Tuff Shed
that resides in the upscale neighborhood south
of my 'hood, the neighborhood that my son
calls the slums.
he lives two blocks from this Tuff Shed,
down south, in the upscale neighborhood.
I want this Tuff Shed in my yard to
store bikes and my old corded electric mower,
the Burley trailer for Bella
and the one for the baby.
That Tuff Shed is pretty and big,
too big for our yard, I don't know
where I would put it but I know I just
want it.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Tuesday, June 15, 2021


she will take on the world one day.
I could see her brain working, thinking, categorizing,
judging, reflecting, speaking her truth,
how she sees the world from all directions,
even considering Fox News vs The New York Times.
She is a thinker.
I see her hands working as the sun beats down
in the heat, the temperatures reaching towards 97F,
her hands pulling up mint and grass, leaving 
behind dirt which will rest under newspaper
until next Spring to welcome seeds of melons
and flowers.
She is no longer a little girl happy to cuddle in
her parents' arms
She is demanding of the world,
she will take on the world one day.
I look forward to it.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Parallel Lives of a Sink

Twins we are, like the other one,
we don't get along,
he the Evangelical Trumper, the anti-Vaxxer,
Me, the scientist who believes in data
good data.
The roots of our differences, a different scrubbing 
of sorts, a random negligence, too little
time for tending,
I look for truth, since it's not here in the sink.
two adjacent realities

Friday, June 11, 2021

a dog, a baby and me

it's a sunny day.
dog, baby and me,
the computer humming in my room upstairs
there is no one to attend to such weighty 
matters as space debris hurtling 15 km/sec
or venting of space telescopes when
the fairing deploys into the deep 
vastness of space
at this moment,
I don't care, must making sure 
that Mira does not drop the leash,
the Bella behaves, and that I can 
feel the sun on my skin.
that's all the matters to me,
the dog and the baby.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

why I forgot

I last wrote a poem on Tuesday, or was it Monday
definitely not Wednesday, and tomorrow is Friday.
the week teeters towards its wobbly end
the way she, my love, wobbles on her little
chubby legs, we forget the days or hours.
This promise, back in January, to write every
weekday, to end each day in some organized 
manner, including a reflection on the day,
a moment of quiet, instead tumbling into bed
exhausted, no idea of where the day went
but knowing that it was well spent.

tag: Mira

Monday, June 7, 2021

la grenouille

presque cachée, cette grenouille
belle avec ses taches,
la patte sur la petite branche
on se regarde
respectueux, attentif, puis
elle est partie. 
au revoir.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Subtract temperature effects

can't you just do this
subtract bottom curve from top
resulting in the difference
the mass desorbing off the crystal
it should behave this way.
but, Jenny, it does not.
oh why oh why can't a data set agree
with what I know to be true. ice does
evaporate off warm surfaces
so, alas, what is wrong with this data
and is such an investigation worth the time

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

The man who wanted Pistachio ice cream

he started talking to me
about ice cream.  about how he really wanted some.
about how he wanted to know if I would buy some for him.
this is post-COVID, people have suffered, maybe he has
he spoke in complete sentences about ridiculous things,
about being addicted to ice cream and trying to taper, 
but needed it, really.
what difference would it make in my life if I bought him some ice cream
would it break the bank, would my life collapse, was I aiding and abetting
but he did say that he had been kicked out already a few times
was he different from someone begging in the street
that someone I never gave a second look
I bought the ice cream
in exchange for a photo
I hope he found a spoon.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Toilet bowl cleaner - homemade

It frothed and foamed over the top of the ice cube tray,
baking soda and citric acid, sal suds and hydrogen peroxide
mix gently, the recipe said, so it doesn't froth
so much for first time attempts at home made products
I laughed
with every attempt will come potential disaster
but without serious consequences, no lost lives,
no birth defects or hurt feelings, no harm done.
after a few hours, I broke off a few pieces and 
used as instructed, dropping some into the toilet
bowl and watching what was left of the froth.
I'm not sure how to improve my methodology
but it will be fun to find out.