Tuesday, August 31, 2021


I knew every answer on every row,
filling in each word quickly, with each
one complete, more and more excited
and hopeful that I would know the next.
and I did, I did, the last word filled in,
the timer dinged and I was congratulated!
I basked in my glory.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Sew it up

I can sew up a custom bag
in an irregular shape from who-knows-what
fabric on a machine that I have not used in years.
sure, I can do that by next week
in time for your trip, a little perfect bag
nestled in the gap of the bike frame, 
how does one sew a zipper,
or a closed volume
who knows
sure, I can do that.
and I did. 

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Les amoureux

they were married today.
the family of the bride having received "la dote",
les amoureux are together, finally.
resplendent in white,
I do not understand their way,
the dowry, the family arrangements,
the seeming purchase of the bride,
the joining of families with the transfer of money.  
I do understand love, and what obstacles
will be overcome to be together.
they are together now
I wish them well.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Cake and Howling

at 8 p.m. the howling started
(the same time we saluted the health care workers months ago)
and now, we howl, because
that's what we do, to each other,
we heard in the howl a call for cake
to celebrate this new life.
and there were others, too,
Michael and Kim holding their two...
a grandmother, two dogs, mothers
and fathers, singles, a gay couple,
a black woman who works at Google,
all eyes, though, were on baby Isaac,
the newest wonder in the world. 

Monday, August 23, 2021

Old friends

OK, a few grey hairs,  mine hidden
(under catalonia brown hair color)
(men don't do such things),
he drinks a 6 oz beer while I have nursed
16 ounces, waiting, with my novel in hand,
moving from table to table to escape 
the sun.  So many years ago,
we would have been lulled to sleep
by the steady rocking of the train hurtling
across endless plains, if it were not for 
me being a 16 year old girl flirting with 
a nice boy
This boy, slightly greying, but with
the same smile, the same lovely way
of being in the world.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Lil' Darlin' Mira

I miss our time on the floor,
no one in the world but her and me,
she pulls herself to the window and 
looks out at the world, pointing to 
passing dogs, crowing in delight.
such an intimate world back then,
but it had to end, the bigger world
was beckoning,
cars and dancing, other little people,
places to go, things to see,
my dresser drawer, overflowing with
such things as Instant-Pot gaskets (once
wonderful necklaces), shoelaces and 
pieces of cardboard,
once a treasure trove of fascination 
waits for Owen.  

Thursday, August 19, 2021

A bin for dirty dishes

Twenty-five years ago, 
I set marker to bin to notify said Karen
that she had her dishes, and she had to do them.
Or eat from the pot.
No more leaving dishes for her bedraggled 
mother, just in from work, a commute, a quick shop,
cooking, collapsing.
I still have that dishpan, aphids currently floating
peacefully on the surface of the water,
having been squished off the stem of a milkweed
waiting to be planted.  
I'm thinking of relabeling it "Stephen's dirty dishes"
and to be fair, I'll have my own.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

I want a drink

I'm ready for a drink
the delta variant is decimating the country
woe to those who are vaccine-hesitant.
even scary for the vaccinated.
I thought we were done with this,
the masks collected dust for a month or two,
we smiled into each other's eyes.
I'd like to drink to "no more masks"
but it's not time yet, so I will drink to
this being over soon, to being able 
to hug, to laugh, our eyes smiling at 
each other.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

One less car

instead of facing backwards
gazing at the upholstery of the backseat
instead... the world,
the world whizzing by with all its colors,
the red stop sign and the green leaves stirring
in the wind, the yellow scarf wrapped around
the woman's neck, the one with red hair.
the sounds!
the voices!
the whirr of tires on pavement
I hear my mother singing
I see my mother waving at passersby
we are all smiling
and there is one less car on the road.

Monday, August 16, 2021

The owl vs the crows

A cloud of crows
cawing, swooping, the raw anger
one of their own securely held in 
the strong talons of the owl.
here, on top of an air conditioner
at 19th and Grove St, Alex's house.
She gazed calmly at the calamity,
the din, moving her head slightly
away from those black wings
the crows dared not approach,
her beak opened and closed, in case.
I could have watched forever, but
the husband and dog came looking for
me, to come for dinner, the pizza
was ready, a new episode of 
Uncovered was available,
but this episode, the owl and the 
crows interested me far more.
but in the end, owl did not care,
husband did.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

En route

six and a half hours later
we slouched in our seats, having missed
our connections, our meetings, our homecomings.
United Express wasn't at all.
all efforts to suck it in, look alert,
pretend to be listening and to care,
the sun is blasting us, our guts
extended, snoring in our masks, 
glasses slipping down our noses.
get us home
that's all we want.