Thursday, March 31, 2022

He would have been 65

He was my age, 
He took his life, the rifle ready in the closet
as he rushed in, in the haze of depression and loss.
This photo was tacked to my bulletin board for all
these years, 
Now it is time to take it down, notice the corners
that have been nibbled by the rabbits that
have long since passed on.
I need to move on, too,
the years are passing by.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

No, please, no

please, no, don't let this fire sweep
through broken hearts, burning fences hastily
erected to keep their hearts contained.
No, don't let those who grieve
(myself included) face more loss,
a house, trying to be a home in spite of his absence,
don't let this fragile house burn down.
we cannot bear it,
let the winds die and grace settle upon us
let us breathe pure air, 
not choke on smoke and fire.
let us breathe,
let us breathe.

Friday, March 18, 2022

she looks a little sad

she looks a little sad, or bored, or both.
wondering if the pay is enough to have the artists
eyeing her from all angles, for holding so still,
for sharing her body in this way
she has time to reflect on all this, on the 
bills which perhaps are late, or her studies
which are awaiting her,
maybe she is relishing every moment,
imagining the admiration of the students.
I have this painting in my room but
I will give it away as I find her expression
sad, her beautiful exposed breasts visible to 
all those who do not care for her.
I have experienced this.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

A fork, a knife and a Dad

although it was a minor miracle for Dad
 to dine with a two-year-old,
it was yet more of a miracle to have metal silverware in hand.
the tines of the fork reflecting in the smooth surface of the knife.
Dad's arm around me, more for his comfort than mine,
flowers making a beautiful backdrop for Mom.
I am too busy to read the menu, I am happy
just like this.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Life is beautiful

Life is beautiful.  I know from 
the lilt of his Jamaican accent on the phone.
the kindness of this man, once a boy on the beach
selling trinkets to tourists to earn money for his family,
now launching telescopes deep into space to 
study the earliest days of our universe.
life is beautiful, if only you open to the possibilities,
like these flowers on this spring day.
tomorrow it will snow, covering these blooms,
and then the sun will come again.