Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Random word #2: Write


Anything, at anytime, anywhere
in your head, on your palm on the 
sole of your shoe
read it again and learn who you are
where you were, what you thought,
or never read it again

Monday, September 26, 2022

A random word #1 - sensitive

My index finger landed on "sensitive".
I am that word, should tattoo it across my forehead
for all to see, to consider treading more softly 
allowing me to whisper a few words in the quiet
her skin is sensitive, that of a baby, quick to redden,
and yet I search for other sensitivities,  finding none
I notice my own where are the others
open the eyes and see

Friday, September 23, 2022

Owen Julian McKinnon


Owen launched like a rocket into this world a year ago
and left us so few months later
our grief now interwoven into our quotidian lives
I held him four times, count them, only when he was on the "end of life" list
how those words landed will always be remembered
and now what
we keep going, I guess, and we try again
to welcome a baby, a perfect one, who carries in them
Owen's spark.