Monday, October 31, 2022

It's dark outside on Halloween

It's dark outside
yet no goblins knock on the door.
there is candy in a bowl, the light is on
but not a single ghost appears in the doorway
it's dark outside
not a single mother's flashlight bobbing
along the sidewalk
it's quiet outside, no noisy teenagers,
not a single child, or mother or father.
What a lonely Halloween.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Friends in the fall of our lives

we talked of such things, of the number of good years
remaining, of joints and pains, of regrets....
of the extent of free will vs the inevitable.
it was a beautiful fall day; the golden leaves
rustled in the trees, we descended with great care
the steep stairs to the river, where we shared our
peanut butter and apples, bananas and crackers,
now-thawed Swiss cheese, decidely not worse for the wear.
and wine.
and as we climbed from the canyon, we wavered a bit
struck by our slightly-drunken wobble, the wine 
having made the sunshine ever so slightly stronger,
the trail ever so slightly more challenging.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Growing a lawn

for the grandchildren, I want a small patch of lawn.
we roughen the soil,
pull the stubborn weeds that tolerate drought,
finally broadcasting seed through the old metal colander.
I'm teaching her how to garden, this young woman,
to lay burlap over the seed and water it in.
next spring, she will come with her rabbit
and they will sit on the grass, her rabbit
will lounge in the dense green grass.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

electric short

a black screen, nothing but
miles of road, tire pressure rising
the heat, the sun, 
flashing numbers and letters,
"no key" and frightfully cold
the range and trip A confused and blinking
intermittent electrical short
heat and light, sun, the
whirr of tires on the road
finding calm. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Mon amie, Cecile

I loved the leaves, and I want her panniers
We talked of many things, no words unspoken
of loss and love, of life,
little ones who have grown big,
still annoying.
I love Cecile, I love her bike, 
I want it and her basket up front,
the home made accessories, but mostly I
want to bask in the light of her smile.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

what endures

I look like my brother, the one who leads by 3 years
the same grey, wrinkles, the lopsided jowl, the 
nose that tells my age even though I don't know why.
but the eyes!  the eyes are alive!
the crooked smile, the mischievous look!
these will endure as long as we walk 
on this blessed Earth.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Random word #4: Lonely


It's the theme of my life, this loneliness that seems to part of my genetic code
passed down from grandmother to mother to me, I see her in her pale blue dress
lying on her back, cigarette smoke slowly curling upward
my mother sitting on the backyard with her dissertation materials,
only jumping to attention when Marc hit his head on the concrete pad.
I didn't exist
which is perhaps why lonliness is in my genes, but also in 
my experience.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Random word #3: Sugar


Sugar baby, I love you, too, honey, in that
hot and sweet coffee, rich and dark, sugar baby, in my cookies and cakes
sugar baby, the hummingbirds love you they whir around the feeder
while I look on, sugar baby, not the fake stuff, only the sweet granules 
that tell my body I'm sweet, too, sugar baby, I'm sweet too.