Thursday, November 17, 2022

Remembering Owen

The snow blankets the ground, sparkling, 
promising warmth to come, life to come,
I know this,
we know this, Cali and me, even as our paws and
bottom are frosty on the icy bench
we smile at the camera, hopeful, 
the flowers at our side, a small photograph
taped to the bench
(made with love by the grandpa's)
I secretly hope for a girl, a nod to Owen
to make it true, he will always be 
a source of love and hope in my life.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Giving Life

I can smile thinking of a baby in need
her blue tinge turning rosy, my blood coursing
through her veins.
this is what it is to give life
at no cost to your own.
the cheery curtains and comfy chair,
a chatty worker and the palpable 
happiness that comes from stopping your day,
skipping whatever may have been calling,
to do what really counts.
Give Life.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

small success

green grass
politely protrudes
brown burlap
protected primarily
from frost
killing cold
silent success