Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Home-made cough drops

lemon, blueberries, honey
heals all

Sunday, December 18, 2022

a journey of 4000 weeks

a moment in these 4000 weeks,
a life, my life, next to her life,
just started, so fresh and full of questions
What is that, Opa?  What are those white things up there?
What is in your backpack, Mimi?  How do I peel these eggs?
and such clear direction, I want to go the beach. No, I don't want
to eat lunch now.  Let's go to the waterfall. Carry me.  
each moment for her is unsullied by the past and the future,
a moment in time, valuable and immediately now,
I learn from her, so much further along in my 4000 weeks,
we must learn from the young.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Learning to Swing

When I taught her to swing,
she could not reach the ground, with feet or hands,
suspended in space, I pushed her gently,
ready to cushion any fall.
She says, "Mimi, swing!"
I gingerly place my stomach across the plastic seat,
we push our hands and feet against the soft
playground surface, swinging, swinging.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

En route

We only have this life, the one on the road
To somewhere, we picked this one,
Although there were many, some as tempting, 
Some only a passing fancy that did not last,
This one was the one I chose, we chose, 
Driving three days past the  XYXZ exit
(Where last time it was 120 F, and now we
Have passed sand and stone hills dusted in snow.
We only have this life and I chose this moment
To write his poem, bypassing a few more paragraphs 
In my book, leaving Opa to watch the washing 
Machine turn with Mira.
This is what I chose, right now.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Dress up for Christmas

it's not really Christmas, but a good day to dress up
and celebrate all that we have, including a black dog named
Let's rejoice that a new baby is coming,
that there is food and a warm house
two open books on the table 
 a hike this afternoon with my son and his dog.
it's always a good idea to dress up and be thankful
yet we always forget.