Sunday, April 16, 2023

The big yellow slide

I was right behind her, and she waited
for me at the bottom, her arms open and
Mimi! She cried, and I will never forget
that energy, that way of being in the world,
the world of the big yellow slide, the one that
seemed so frightening and high
so recently.
every day she climbs a bit higher as does
my confidence in her.
I am right behind her, watching her and
learning from her, 
who says that the young must learn 
from the old.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Cali, the Leader of the Pack

when there is sorrow or grief,
apathy or, you just can't get off the couch,
the Leader of the Pack will guide you 
towards beauty, a natural bounty, the last
rays of sun reflecting off towering rock.
The Leader of the Pack will bound ahead of you,
looking back occasionally, tail wagging, 
veering offtrack towards interesting smells,
providing that example of looking far afield
when there is sorrow or grief, when one can only
look one direction, or the head hangs low,
the Leader of the Pack teaches us 
another way.

Monday, April 3, 2023

She said I could do whatever I want

 She asked why I don't go to a good university,
like MIT or Harvard, as if it were easy, as if I had 
even one penny to put towards my expenses.
I knew that she would not offer a single nickel,
this woman who pursued her own studies using child support,
at night, while we heated meatloaf in the oven and put 
ourselves to bed.
This woman said that I could do whatever I want,
somehow, she did not concern herself with how.

Saturday, April 1, 2023