Friday, September 29, 2023


 he was there in front of me, dark, curly hair,
a smile, he's a cook and love museums.
we loaned him a bike, which eventually made 
its way back
I had started to worry.
Now the flowers are brighter than him, 
a mere shadow of memory, a curious one, a 
mystery, a disappearance,
what is this ghost?

Thursday, September 28, 2023


"Michele!" and he would swoon and fan his face.

"Michele!" I wonder where she is, in what 
country she is passing through, gypsy like,
light on her feet, almost dancing, the ballerina.
One night we were here, in the same place,
the photo is proof, that we were smiling and 
laughing together,
I basked in her radiant smile and dry humor
(that drove my brother crazy, me, I laugh)
"Michele" when will I see you again, 
dear Michele!  I miss you so.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Wake up

it's a new day
wake up!  the click of dog paws
awaits you, wake up!  the
flowers are following the sun, 
friends are waiting to hear from you,
it's time to make art, to play
music, to smell the air and
watch passers-bye.  Wake up!
it's time to wake up!  it's past
time to wake up!

Friday, September 15, 2023

50% off

Fifty percent off -
what can one buy for 50% off,
not a lover,
nor a child,
groceries do not come so cheap
nor rentals, automobiles
or bicycles.
A friendship is invaluable,
a Family must be built, not bought.
WE cannot buy rain or snow,
or a sunny day, there are no bargains
on freedom or democracy, nor beauty.
the best one can do is wait until
the plants at the shop call to be put
into the ground.
I dash to buy them, and
plant them in the ground
next Spring there will be beauty in the Garden
50% off Plus Labor plus Love. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2023


The beam of light is not centered
and an eyelash blocks the way, 
the eyepieces are misaligned
and too wide for the eyes, the
blind one that refused to see.
it was right in front of her, the
darkness, the light did not reach
no wonder she is blind
the beautiful purple silk conceals
the scars, the pulls herself up,
centers the beam, clears the eyepieces
and sees, once again.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

A tempting path, yet...

a tempting path presents itself
yet we turn away, uncertain of the 
destination, the difficulty of the route,
a small blockade perhaps,
tangled foliage and a sign of trampling
we wonder who has gone before
and failed, so we stand still,
neither moving forward, to east or
west, nor backwards, as the rain falls
around us and our shoulders weep
we should have moved, but 
we did not.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The Wonder of a Bus Ride

sparkling sequins,
wonder in her eyes,
she's on the bus!
Rainbow wings, 
she's on the bus,
flying through the Boulder streets
she's on the bus.
Croissants and coffee
await her,
she's on the bus
Why take the bus
I ask
A smile in her eyes
Its fun, she says,
that's why
she's on the bus

Sunday, September 3, 2023


a picture is worth a thousand words,
but words flow 
what is tenderness but that precious softness
of an embrace, a holding so gentle that
the embraced can look out into the world
with no fear or worry, not even knowing
that the embrace is what makes it possible.
that's tenderness, the unconscious giving,
the receiver and the giver in a perfect 
dance of love.