Thursday, December 28, 2023

Live a little

the first ingredient, sugar. 
Add vodka
the last, stevia,
add water.
Mix some grey with brown,
ignore the person laughing behind your back
live a little
even if it tastes bad
in the end.
it's worth taking the risk.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Multi-generational scientists

The Falcon 9 rocket lifts off - 
enveloped in smoke and fire, the roar
of its powerful Merlin engines propelling it into
blue skies
Rapt, we watched, even little Felix,
propping himself up to study every 
stage of the trajectory, Mimi
providing commentary on blanket billowing,
Mira doing the countdowns for first stage release
Mimi waiting for fairing deployment, all of us cheering 
at the successful landing of the first stage.
then rushing back to the table to
eat warm waffles drenched in 
syrup, covered in blueberries.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Mira and her Mom

As she rushes toward Mom,
the white polka dotted green skirt
flaring behind her, as if a breeze
were blowing her hair behind her,
Mom, tall and elegant, turns to 
face her, looking down sympathetically,
mid-stride, she will, no doubt,
squat down to eye-level and discuss
the major issues of Mira's moment,
immersing herself in a world far
from climate and war, from groceries
and lunch menus, the rain, everything
else will dissolve into meaninglessness
as she gazes into Mira's face
waiting to listen, listen very

Friday, December 22, 2023

Rutherford and Jupiter

Now that Mom is gone, they walk
side by side, Jupiter pulling Rutherford to
smell at this tree, and Rutherford asking Jupiter
to wait while he does his business. 
Amazing synchronicity and patience,
side by side, then being pulled back
towards each other,
if only we were tethered to one another
and forced to wait, we would learn to do it
with grace and understanding.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

My friend, Cobus

his frame filled the door
muscles bulging after deadlifting 420 pounds
enormous thighs and, and dare I say,
a bit of a gut, 
bursting with friendliness 
we embraced, my smile buried
in the chest of his pink sweatshirt.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Saying good-bye

Lopsided and peeling
what small hands carefully painted
only to endure rain and snow,
searing sun and heat
The unmade decision whether to save
or give
tired me
In the hope of a new home,
a steady hand securing the lopsided
tilt, a beautiful plant
reaching for the sun.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Peeling off the sticker

I did forget to peel off the sticker and 
she spotted the white sliver on the sliced apple.
The loss, in not peeling, was that
I did not see what was underneath,
the multi-colored streaks of red, orange and yellow,
that beauty was concealed, 
there was no admirer, 
I did not see the world reflected on
the shiny surface, the knife simply sliced
through the sticker, the slice tossed 
into the bowl.
I would never have noticed, or cared,
until I thought about what I had missed.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Missing Cali

it was the last walk for awhile with two black dogs.
The little one, nose to the ground, looking for food,
Cali, head up, looking ahead for squirrels!
The man holding the leashes, the one attached
to these two dogs, no stronger love or link,
I think
Dogs, bike, wife, in that order
and the big dog, Cali, she has gone
away for a bit,
Bella sulks as the house is empty 
without her cousin, Cali. 

Friday, December 15, 2023

Inspired by Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift, 
the woman who makes earthquakes 
by telling her truth, our truth, the betrayed,
the loved, the ignored, the alone
she inspires me to tell my real
stories that matter, the one about the husband 
finding his gun, but  no bullets, the one about 
the man in the park unbuttoning my blouse,
the one about being locked out of the lab, for
telling the truth, the science one,
and the story of today rising early to make an
apple galette, to make someone happy, someone
who I love.