Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Reach to the stars

Reach to the stars while tethered to stone
Reach together, our delicate hands, 
always womens' hands, our dirty skin
stained with work, fingers rubbed raw.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Happy birthday to me

a leftover piece of strawberry pie
the mug I got a couple of days ago
the Human Body book that I wanted after Mira
showed me what's inside an eye,
roast chicken, a beloved husband and
my cute friend, Julia, who I love to call 
piglet (and she does not)
66 looks good, with grey hair, smiling
eyes and not one speck of boredom
to be seen.  
A poem to capture the day of music, 
a lunch with my brother, a nap and a
rousing capoeira class.
I hope next year is as good. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The Winter Storm

a long weekend can become a week,
bitter temperatures eventually warm 
and clouds give way to sunshine.
open suitcases left behind collect dust,
work computers left behind are idle
friends keep cooking for us 
snow rests on the ground, the
wind eventually stills.
we only hear the swish of skis
on snow.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

A poem should write itself

what will you write today, dear poem,
the wind in my face, the swish of cold snow,
a heart beating, not too fast, not too slow
dear poem, what is in your heart, or in mine,
you, who know me so well, you, who
have been following each moment of
"ma vie tellement modeste".
You, the poem in my breast, you lead
me along, shielding my eyes as best 
you could, and bringing me along to this 
exact moment, where I waited for you,
and you arrived.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

The power couple

They didn't say when or why, the 
event, the color of the invitation,
they just arrived in a flourish, her 
green satin dress brushing up against
her beautiful legs, her man at her side
in his black tuxedo.  
Looking for someone, or something,
the President or the stage, they
rush to arrive on time, slightly flushed
but no less elegant, the power couple. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

My new work bag

The other bag, the one with the zipper on the
front - I don't pack that way, and it was
an ugly green, anyway.
This bag, a small carpetbag, I think, 
or a bag for tools or other practical things,
is my work bag, with its wide bottom
and large opening at the top,
it holds my lunch, my badge, and its
darn pretty, don't you think?  
And the poster?  I promised to hang it
in a location where everyone would say.
Yes, I did what the drag queen asked of me.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

But don't overdo it

and when the scale tips into red,
live it up, but a little bit less
keep track of it all, the ups and the downs,
the lefts and rights, a little egg
with the rootbeer float, and one
piece of chocolate, not two.  
Go to the gym and walk in the
bright sunshine, smiling uses calories,
does it not?

Monday, January 1, 2024

Joy and Ice Cream in 2024 - A resolution to seek happiness and contentment in the small things

A chocolate ice cream cone
A ride on a carousel
Hugs from someone you love
Giving hugs
Accepting wrongs, and asking forgiveness
Generosity and good will.
Wear a jacket when it's cold,
a beautiful scarf to add color.
Joy and ice cream in 2024
Chocolate with rainbow sprinkles, please.