Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Love, smiles and a red rubber ball for her birthday

who could have imagined such a birthday 36 years later
after the wonder of you, arriving with a full head of dark hair
and "chubby cheeks!" a girl!  
who could have imagined you, now a mother, so natural,
a scholar and wife, a daughter who I watch with wonder,
striding with confidence in this crazy world, stopping 
everything to smile and laugh at the little blonde girl
with newly trimmed bangs, I could never have imagined
that 36 years later I would feast my eyes and ears on
this scene, which quickly devolved into a view of 
your little girl's legs flailing in the air as she rolled on
her rubber ball, your laughter ringing joyously in
my ears. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The dead tree that I never noticed

I had never noticed this dead tree, 
in the midst of the manicured yard, the flowers
blooming all around
But when did it die?  Had it recently died?  Were
there yet a few small leaves hidden in the upper branches
a gradual death that I had never noted, 
like our own, like the spiral of wrinkles I just noticed
this morning around my friend's eye when he smiled,
the deformation in his earlobe linked to cardiovascular disease,
It had to be that, the tree had been dying all these
years so no one thought to cut it down, it was 
just part of a slowly changing landscape, like us,
where we can convince ourselves for a few years
that we still look young, carefully controlling the angle we 
look at ourselves in the  mirror.
Yet, we are surprised at how old our friends look
and we know that we are with them, after all.
We are all growing fewer leaves each season,
finally death will take us and those who have not
been watching will be surprised that we have passed
so quickly. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

No one takes my chainsaw


she had a love affair with her chainsaw after her husband passed
leaning into its throaty rumble instead of his roaring snore, she felt peaceful
and in good company
powerful, even
her chainsaw didn't see her grey hair or sagging jowls, 
they shared a mutual respect, a respect her 69 year old son didn't seem
to fully comprehend, insisting that they part ways, for "safety" reasons.  
Oh she knew he told his Boulder friends, "I had to take away her chain saw."
Safe for whom, she wondered, pondering the fate of her only son,
nice and clean cut as he was, that could change if she didn't get her chainsaw back.
In Kentucky, women keep their chainsaws until death,

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Being in the body

she is not thinking of her future or
what to wear to tomorrow, she is not 
thinking of Elsa or Melodie, or of 
mom or dad, or Felix, or ...anything.
she is not thinking she is in her body
moving through space on her new bike
her feet snuggled into her rain boots,
her cape resting loosely on her shoulders
she does not have to think about anything
her tummy is full, she is loved, her clothes fit
and she is riding through the air, her wheels 
spinning on the concrete at the park.