Monday, August 26, 2024

Best friends for now

Hard to imagine that it's only been four and a half years
when she arrived in this world, with no idea about
friendship or love, about holding hands and walking
down a street with her bestie.
We don't know if this particular friend will endure
next year or next week, even, as friends seem to flow through
our lives like sand through fingers that open under a 
different sun, on a different day, but this day,
their hands embraced, no doubt shared secrets 
and whispers, little girls on a walk in the neighborhood,
mom or dad close behind, but out of earshot. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Watching the Democratic National Convention with pneumonia

what else to do but watch sideways, the right lung
unhappily compressed, the right ear buried in a pillow.
I cannot hear or breathe very well, but I can see 
the wide smiles and exuberant gestures, my peeps
have come alive, in spite of my deteriorated state, I
am buoyed by their hope and joy.  
I would not have seen this wonder if my lung were happily
gathering oxygen molecules from the incoming breath,
instead I would have been working or gardening, laughing
or lifting weights towards the grey tiles of the gym.
Sideways and deaf, but my heart lifting with joy.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Forest bathing in Costa Rica

the leaf invited me to hold her in my hand
to notice her fine leaf structure next to mine,
how the light captured her raised ridges,
each encircling its own small landscape.
the lines on my hand run over the edges
into the forest air, like rain off an
we recognized each other in appreciation but
I know that she will stay here, as she happened to be,
folded in half over a newly formed branch,
and I have to follow the lines which cascade off
of my hands towards some unknown future. 

Monday, August 12, 2024

when I looked up I did not see the Moon

I thought he was pointing to the Moon,
but a monkey was in the way, and the clouds were 
obstructing the view anyway, it was daytime,
for Goodness Sake. but wait....
I do see the Moon sometimes during the day, 
a sliver of white, or maybe more, but it wasn't there
on the impossibly steep gravel road leading down
the beach,
And it was so hot, and the sweat ran down my back
and the monkey just ignored us, prancing across the 
power line, Moon or no Moon
did not interest her.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Turkey vultures circling the sky

I can't see my town, but I see them
Circling up and up in the grey and acrid sky,
their black silhouettes criss-crossing upwards 
pathways slashing up and across each others,
magic black dots wavering in the infernal
sky, this infernal sky of smoke and ozone
and death, these birds, vultures, seeking death
for sustainance, while I rush down the hill
seeking life.