Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Collections as Comfort

An astute reader commented that the poem of May 19th was rather tasteless. I have to agree and have revised the poem. As was beautifully pointed out in The Fountain of Age, becoming an older person can be scary and distancing from that is a common reaction. My apologies.

Over many years,
she collected ceramic birds,
doves, cardinals and hummingbirds
to display on every bookcase and corner table,
silver spoons to display in wooden cases near the kitchen.
Family portraits, all taken at the local Sears,
little boys dressed in blue and girls in pink,
all rosy cheeked, the blushing brides in white,
the families, all lined up in Sunday’s best.
These were her memories, all in one place,
the same place, sunshine and shadows
passing over them in the same way over
many years, so different from life which seems
to change every minute of every day.
How comforting.

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