Friday, January 1, 2010

Frank, Angela, or Norman

I’ve started rummaging in the basement
for the various pieces and parts of
an old aquarium, and my birthday
is coming up, too.
Shall I name him Angela, Frank
or Norman, or will another name
come to me in the dark velvet of
night, as it did last night,
then so promptly forgotten.
I’ll recognize him when I see him,
the one, who will greet me every
morning with a flick of her
tail, his mouth opening and closing
in anticipation of his breakfast,
my new fish.

photo courtesy of


Linda said...

How about Kirby? All my friends with new babies laugh at me when I suggest it for them. Kirby could be a great fishie friend :-).

Anonymous said...

What if he is a she-fish?

Linda said...


frizatch said...

But Kirby is our postman! Kinda weird...

p.s. I like the new profile shot of you with the new haircut!

Genevieve said...

I think the postman would be honored to have a fish named after him.