Sunday, February 27, 2011

It's a Bad Month to be a Dictator

I.  Tunisia:  Ben Ali
Flames of revolution!
sparked by a funeral pyre,
a man tumbling from an electric wire,
tear gas in the streets, beatings,
strikes and solidarity, soldiers
sweeping their scopes around
like flags in a changing wind
to settle this story.

II.  Egypt: Mubarak
ungrateful peasants!
who dare to stand peacefully
 in Tahrir Square, returning each morning
to sweep away the litter, the tears,
the blood, returning with hopes and dreams
that would not be crushed.

III:  Libya:  Qaddafi
Machine Guns and AK-47s!
may scatter them like so many
birds falling to the ground
like stones,  then flocks taking to
the air again to beat their wings
against forty-two years of tyranny.

They will not fail.  Freedom.

Prompt from SH

1 comment:

Jerrie Hurd said...

Yeah, somehow we've all been touched by those events. Nice way to sum it into poetry, especially since poetry still means something in those areas--especially the rural villages.