Monday, March 7, 2011

Renovation: Casey Middle School

the cracked cement patio squares from the front of the school are gone,
replaced by eco-friendly, but unidentifiable, paving materials

a cold wind out of the west no longer blows loose papers across the library,
double-paned, e-star windows keep the library cool in summer, warm in winter

the front door closes behind itself securely and there are no extra keys circulating among
mischievous students who would break it at night to remove all the blackboard chalk

the Mexican kids still congregate on the north side by the soccer field
and the Caucasians to the south closer to the parking lot where mom drops them off

until the bell rings and black and white, Hispanic, asian all melt into
a continuous stream heading inside. 


Susy Alkaitis said...

Very nice!

Susy Alkaitis said...

Very lovely, Jenny!

Genevieve said...

Thanks for reading, Susy! As I recall, you helped me write this. ; )