Friday, July 22, 2011

Boehner walks out of debt talks

so the wealthy and the corporations will cheer for the almighty dollar
that bought them their very own democracy, their second homes and new cars,
a few more millions or billions, never enough after the luxuries of the day
and nothing but darkness surrounds them as they lie in their silk sheets.
so now their own personal empires that used to reside overseas can come
home, no taxes due!  hip hip hoorooh, who cares that some are blue
without a job or without a car, without a doctor, without a shoe,
the wealthy and the corporations don't give a hoot, they'll
have the butler give a boot to the man on the street corner holding
out his empty tin cup towards the darkened windows of passing cars.

This poem from someone who is not particularly a bleeding heart liberal...but what is going on in Washington is absolutely sickening. 

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