Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Eavesdropping at the gym a couple days before Thanksgiving

don't forget to mix the cinnamon into the butter
before spreading it into the rolls Thanksgiving morning
your husband will wake up so happy when he smells them baking

are you going to brine your turkey?  I read on yahoo that
there is something called dry brining but I'm afraid to
do anything new

I'm getting so fat and worried about the calories.
she moves closer to her friend, massaging her
substantial love handles and pointing to the cuts
the surgeon will do after the holidays

are you going home for Thanksgiving dinner,
I hope it's better than last year when your mom
and aunt got in that terrible fight, the pecan pie
was awesome, though.

I'm going to my friends, she invites over all us singles,
I am bringing tofurkey even though most people think it's gross
it's really good!

picture courtesy http://farm1.static.flickr.com/141/333323031_0ef47c8dcb.jpg

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