Thursday, March 1, 2012

The benefit of distance

the hotel was too expensive for what it offered
the small tastefully decorated room
when she wanted a King and a mirrored ceiling.
he relished a venison steak
not a fou fou salad at the yuppy restaurant she picked
the clouds obscured the full moon
the trains squealed on the tracks all night
no spooning tonight
cold butt to cold butt
they sulked
his snoring woke her up
her leg twitched as it did when
she was stressed and unhappy;
he woke up early and limped downstairs
to the kitchen to see her still in her frayed nightgown,
her thinning grey hair framing her translucent eyes
that he always loved even as they faded
and they reminsced about that romantic weekend in Glenwood,
how in love they were
and still are.

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