Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Solar Eclipse and other Science Facts

the big bang left us static on our TVs
the sun hid behind the moon
viruses take over our cells, our guns
cannot kill them
so we go to far off places instead.
scientists discovered a new material that
stops micrometeoroids in their tracks
but we don't understand why
like so many things like how the
universe expands in all directions
from all locations
electrons are no longer an elementary
particle; they are made of quarks.
I learned alot of wrong stuff in school.
We move sluggishly all because of
the Higgs boson, I'd rather move
more quickly today.

1 comment:

Jim said...

An ode to Aerogel. I think it only fitting that Hoagy Carmichael might store Stardust in a block of frozen smoke.