Friday, October 25, 2013

A Night Off

A night off from thinking of the remarkable
besides the yellow leaves falling in front of me,
tinged in reds and purple as I rode my bike to work.
A day left free of noting the sharp intelligence of young
people who are just starting in life, their excitement
and fears, their vulnerability and courage.
let's take a break from noticing the clouds,
how the one over the mountain is stretched thin
and translucent, while the one to the east is puffy
with dark outlines against space,
I'll not notice the gentle swish of my courdoroys
as I walk, or the mud that is slowly disappearing
from my boots day by day.
what a relief to not have to think of something
special tonight, some remarkable worth writing about,
Instead, I'll savor the sound of a flute, the tapping
of fingertips on a keyboard and the lure of a
warm bed where I can reach across and hug
someone I love.

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