Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The bounty of a single tomato

Heirloom tomato:  1 lb 8 oz, organic,
priced at $5/pound buys enough seeds
for the squash and tomatoes, the tomatillos
and cucumbers.
That's one tomato and we've already eaten
many pounds of squash and tomatoes,
of lemon cucumbers and green cucumbers,
of turnips and peas, of Swiss chard and 
don't forget the many pounds of potatoes 
still hidden under the soil.
When snow is still drifting to the ground
and lettuce seeds sit under a fine layer of
wet soil, remember the bounty of the late
summer where the price of a single tomato,
not purchased, but pulled warm from the vine
saves enough to buy all the seeds you need.

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