Thursday, September 28, 2017

the bachelor

one woman walked in
her breasts swinging free under her dress
cleavage in full view
commando style
the dog checked her out
multiple times
there's another woman next door
who shows up for coffee when
her boyfriend is away
she lingers at the door
the bachelor life
middle aged but fit,
shaved bald
a nice smile and a fat checking
he's in demand

Wednesday, September 27, 2017


hordes of them
a cloud
landing and flittering off
I can hear the nectar being slurped
into hungry mouths
the sun is glinting off their wings
a wind is rising 
a turbulent storm
sweeping across Africa
from the flurry of
butterfly wings

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Getting to bed earlier

all of a sudden it's 10:30 p.m.
my love is in bed, he has stolen my covers,
my poem is not written,
I've only practiced flute for 5 minutes
my teeth are not brushed.
I'm getting texts from him, reminding
me that it's time for bed,
then that he's turning out the lights
and I'll have to creep into the bedroom
disturbing his gentle snoring,
or not, as he's awake in bed,
in the dark,
waiting for me.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

I was tempted but resisted

I was tempted, really,
for a few moments, I put it in my cart
even thinking how easy it would be to pull a 
pre-moistened towelette from the shiny plastic 
dispenser and press the four corners into 
the neatly cut slits.
I would remove it from its plastic packaging,
the kind that must be cut with a sharp pair of scissors,
the material that goes in a landfill and never goes
away, it will be there for future generations 
to ponder at our wastefulness.
I decided against it.
I put it back on the shelf.
I went home and pulled out my decades old
mop handle, the original covers long gone.
I covered the base with an old kitchen towel,
secured it with clothespins, sprayed 
some cleaner made with baking soda
on the floor and mopped.
The floor was beautifully clean.

Friday, September 22, 2017

unable to share

Unable to share
the photo of the old man out for his morning stroll,
supporting himself on his walker, his small white poodle
accompanying him, the sun is low in the sky,
I would have shown you but the Cloud says it's unable
to share right now and to come back later,
since when does the Cloud sleep,
I'd like to know.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

the perfect latte

Artistry can be found everywhere, created anywhere
by anyone at anytime
in any weather
during travels for any reason,
a  perfect latte is the perfect reason to stop,
to reflect,
to donate the same amount of money
to anyone anywhere anytime
who is in need.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Writing it up

what  does Henry's Law have to do with anything
what does a sub-monolayer look like
and what does the Martian wind look like near the surface
when it's hot and when it's cold
these are the questions worth asking when it's 10 p.m.
Colorado time, and there's an empty wine glass
and an empty martini glass on the table in front of me
I'll say what I have to say.
and when my feet slip into my wool slippers and 
my pajamas are soft against my skin,
the blankets are warm and my eyes are closed
my dreams will come to me 
I will see the wind dervishes on Mars
spinning, spinning,spinning

Monday, September 18, 2017

Packing for Mars 2020 Peer Review

shall I wear the slightly stretchy pants
the first day or the second, with the colorful
top, the black jacket, how about my favorite
socks with the Swiss emblem,
I haven't reviewed the technical materials yet,
but will jeans be ok on the second day,
it seems they dress business casual all the
time even though it's California,
maybe too many old white men?
and it's late again, and my friend, Steve,
would be packed in five minutes but
perhaps he did not just finish making home made
granola and homemade yogurt for his
The technical details will wait until tomorrow
night after a cocktail with an old friend,
that should release the critical mind to do
her work while she sleeps.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Earning a belt

I chased him, the old mestre around
the roda, knowing he could bring me down
and we laughed at this knowledge in this game,
I kicked and he easily stepped away, I ducked
under his kicks that moved so slowly, 
arcing gracefully over my head.
he pointed behind me and I turned my head,
for a moment only to see him laughing at me.
he had taught me never to do that, to always
keep your eyes on your opponent.
after the fun, he wrapped my waist with my 
first belt, lovingly wrapped by my mestre,
never say never, never say too old.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Looking for that special bowl

I'm looking for that special bowl that she 
carefully spun on a potter's wheel, the one she 
described as "Dinner set with green chun lip",
I looked for a set of four
Isn't that what a dinner set is, or it is six,
It was one, a dinner for one seems so lonely,
nestled amongst handle-less mugs, extravagantly
elegant pitchers and pudgy objects that only
a mother would love.
I loved all those hand formed pieces she brought
me from kindergarten, and the handprint still pressed
into the cement on 13th Street marked "Karen".
these are the objects that endure alongside
my steadfast love for the girl that made
the pudgy pots and smeared posters,
I still have them all.  

Monday, September 11, 2017

Old friends, XLV

XLV years later, we meet again,
it's Fate.  
You with grey in your beard,
Me with slight jowls, but
the same smiles, the same affection.
The Oregon beach where we met still has
a thundering surf 
the sunsets are as spectacular and young people
wander the beach, smiling across shimmering sand,
maybe they will become friends like we did.
Maybe they will meet again 45 years later
at a brewpub somewhere.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Trading tomatoes for community engagement

when all else fails, bribe them
with heirloom tomatoes, warmed by the sun,
ripened to perfection.

Friday, September 8, 2017

my kind of crossword puzzle

I hate the usual crossword puzzles
with room for 10 letter words and obscure clues
and nods to popular culture.
I'm a cultural wasteland.
But this puzzle, the one with four to five letter words,
this one with 23 boxes to fill it,
this is my dream crossword,
It makes me so happy when I am done,
the big accomplishment for the day,
mastery feels so good.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

capoeira angola

the fellow in the yellow T-shirt cleans my house.
I can't believe I have had a capoeira angola mestre cleaning my house.
I found out the my capoeira canavial mestre cleans houses, too.
mestres need to be paid more for making the world 
a better place.
all this swirls in my mind as my muscles groan
and my bones creak,
the fellow with the white dew rag has Tourette Syndrome
So brave to be here, knowing that at any moment
he will make weird sounds at odd moments.
he's apologetic but calm.
we are moving in a circle,
on our hands and knees
as if in prayer.
god knows the world needs it.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


we are all lined up 
slowly shuffling along, most of us with
cell phone in hand, some hold a book,
some look annoyed, others resigned.
I see a woman wearing high heels,
a man with bad teeth and a couple
in love.
they could stand forever in line
time has stopped for them
how lovely.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

the trouble with money

she likes to buy makeup and fancy clothes
he can't  get by without a $6000 bike
he makes less
she makes more
or he makes more and she makes less
but they share a bed and a life and children
and a house and need two cars
and he likes to dine out and she doesn't want to spend
the money and why are there so many unopened Amazon
packages in the hallway
where does the money go
and no, there is no logic to why having
a budget causes tears and anger
turning away.
ah, the trouble with money.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Doctor Decade

Doctor Decade,
it's been at least a couple since we talked
now look at us still singing, riding a bike,
still strumming a guitar,  tooting a flute,
writing songs,penning poems
you have lost some hair and gained some weight
I have my own secret losses
It's a sunny day in Lansing,
we're still here
still singing and strumming,
still smiling.