Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Celebrating Explorer 60 years ago

as we, the Americans, rose above the clouds towards darkness
past the Russians, as our sensors started detecting the small
explosions of micrometeoroids against the sides of our tiny satellite,
we, the Americans, breathed a sigh of relief
we could win the space race after all
along the way, we could observe the past rushing at us
from billions of years ago, the rising of stars and galaxies,
the roar of stars falling into the abyss of dark holes.
we, the Americans, saw it all in the end
and realized how tiny we are
what power we hold in our outstretched hands.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Ecrire en francais

J'ecris mon fils en francais
et ca me fait du grand plaisir.
J'ecris Iba, Badou et Baye en francais
et ca me fait du grand plaisir,
un qui a son certificat de droit,
l'autre etudie le biologie et le troisieme
travail, travail, travail, sans etre instruit.
je lui ecrit aussi.

Monday, January 29, 2018

birthday socks

birthday socks make me happy
with their colorful stripes and soft heels
my feet are happy and proud
prancing down sidewalks and
pedaling down the path
they shout out to the world
look at me in my new socks!
with a new pair of socks, the world
is fresh and new, one thinks fondly
of old friends and new, of birthday
parties and champagne.
if you feel down, get a new pair or
socks, or buy some for a friend.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

I'd rather fly to France

I'd rather fly to France
than a small American town in the
middle of nowhere, a place I would
never choose to go, willingly
but for life's vagaries,
the ones which birth us into this
jangled world of color, sound and beauty
the same one of grief and lost loves.
this small jet flying to nowhere
it costs so much more than just the

Friday, January 26, 2018

Mestre Lucas and Me

Mestre Lucas and me -
he just finished a series of handstands
flips and rolls,
I swung my leg over that same old folding chair
I'm sweating and he's not, but
we're both smiling 
it's my birthday roda

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


They caw angrily from the trees
as Bella swoops in to eat scraps of food
left behind on the frozen ground.
She knows that food awaits her if
she runs towards a group of crows, 
scattering them to the skies
they caw angrily, knowing that the
food they have found will leave
in the belly of Bella.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

here's what 60 looks like

he may be a higher belt
and he may be able to duck but 
I swing my leg high and kick towards his
right shoulder.
I am so proud.  I am so strong
I am 60
let no one forget that we are not dead
at 60
we are not dumb or deaf, watch out world!
I am 60!

Monday, January 22, 2018

Karen Squared

The elder
Karen, of the slight frame and intelligent
eyes gazing at the world from
behind those big framed glasses
she is the woman I want my daughter to be,
with quiet confidence and unapologetic
mannerism, in her long billowy pants
and pink and orange sneakers, she is
a strong woman, uniquely fascinating,
my friend, Karen.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

my birthday twin

a double take on her beautiful shoulders
her face
the woman I didn't expect
I didn't expect the man behind her 
my twin
showing up unannounced, unexpected
showing up by surprise
I'm so thrilled, so happy to 
be reunited with my twin.

Friday, January 19, 2018


grilled monkfish drenched in ginger-tahini sauce
I'll eat it for lunch today
wamed up in a sous-vide to just the perfect temperature
I hate microwaved or overcooked fish,
and roasted carrot salad over kale, a salad you only
buy at a fancy restaurant, I'll savor the oysters in my tummy.
don't forget the half eated homemade cookies
heated just so to see the glisten of chocolate before
popping them into my mouth.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

happy birthday to me

and when I'm sixty
and my hair still shines, my smile
touches the world, when I am still
running down the path, a little black dog
running beside me, I will know I have aged
and when I am sixty and I still hope
for peace, when I still keep a small ecological
footprint and don't chase the dollar, I know I will
have kept my values and will have aged well.
and when I am sixty and I am grateful for
all I have, and have forgiven or forgotten past
insults and hurts, from myself or others,
I will have aged well.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

BellaRoomba at home

yes, the dog puts her tail between her legs
and slinks up the stairs, looking fearfully
behind her
yes, the husband can't find his shoes and
his socks are thrown on the bed 
having resided happily on the floor
for months
yes, BellaRoomba gets stuck under
cabinet doors, I get messages on my phone
that her right wheel is stuck
and yes
I love her, for my clean floors, for
the entertainment, for cheerful companionship.
everyone should have one.


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

the wind at my back

a warm house to come home to
a loving husband and a goofy black dog
the small rug slides with her from the living room into
the kitchen as she chases the ball
an interesting job and many friends
I look at mountains outside my window
and I can decide between the pink and
the blue sweater.

GS 3

Monday, January 15, 2018

A monkey for tea -

the thing is
he thought about it
he thought about me and took the trouble
from his self described life of ever busy
between tennis in whites
launching a new company 
traveling to French Polynesia
he thought about it and I
appreciate that


Sunday, January 14, 2018

GS: #1

we watched a border collie race back and forth
across the field, fetching, retrieving,
the ball sailing across blue sky
the sun felt so warm on our skin.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Playing capoeira

the man with the red gloves
balances on two hands perilously
as the man from Guatamala runs to set up
the timer on the camera
and she, in the pink top, abs of steel
she cartwheels over me
and she in the yellow swings her legs
over my ducked shoulders
I bring the wisdom of age.

Friday, January 12, 2018


a black and white haircut
trimming errant strands, the ones which
stayed, the ones who left and came back
her hair is so unusual
a black dog tucks her tail to the
sound of the vacuum, filled with grey,
the clink of a lost wedding ring as it tumbles
out of the tray
he lost it years ago.
after marrying her
it bothered his finger

Thursday, January 11, 2018

writing in the morning

while my tea brews,
the dog circles my feet hoping for crumbs,
while my husband reads what's new on Twitter
and because I don't get enough sleep at night
and I don't know why it takes me so long to go
to bed, it certainly is partly this poem,
the poems at night that don't come when it's dry
inside, and my mind is empty, I insist.
I insist on writing something and so let me
insist in the morning so I don't have to at
night when the stars are struggling to be seen,
my covers are calling to be warmed by my
warm body.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


they are trapped in Senegal,
no money, no exit, no way to the future
they desire of higher education, a chance to
live abroad, they have no money.
I thought it could be different.
I thought it could be different if you were
smart, ambitious, curious, that money
would not hold you back, money was
something that could be worked out like
a student visa, or a bad marriage.
I know that it's different now and I write
back to them, these two young men,
bright eyed and hopeful that I could help
them, point to a magic passageway
to America.
I know I can't.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018


his car insurance is less than mine,
a few pennies here, a ten,
he drives a Subaru, I drive a Honda,
he's 47 and I'll be 60
he's a he, I'm a she
I'll file a complaint
I'll shout from the rooftop
I'll be glad I don't have to use it.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Write more postcards

write more postcards
smile more and laugh until your belly hurts
go to work as if it were an adventure
call your grandmother and
don't forget your first real love,
the one you still dream about.
Keep dreaming.
Wake up with optimism and
fall asleep with no regrets
invite your neighbors for wine
be more generous
Above all, don't wait until tomorrow
seize the moment and live.