Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Montron - a gift from the Dordogne to Daniel and Tori

Of course
go the South of France, Dordogne
where this was handcrafted,
buy some cheese in a small market
a baguette and some dried salami.
then open this knife and cut fine slices
for a grand picnic.
Of course,
you can use this knife to open a letter
instead of a machete,
or slice open the top of a soft-boiled egg.
Of course,
this knife can be used to cut flowers from the garden,
to create a beautiful bouquet for your lover,
or, in a pinch, to open a beer
or strip the foil wrapper from a bottle of champagne.
You can
use it to cut tension, waving it wildly in the
air, laughing, when a silly thing becomes a
point of contention between you and your loved one
Of course,
as you hold this knife in your hand
stroking the smooth boxwood handle with the fine engraving
think of me and know how much I love
you both.
Congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy life together,
Daniel and Tori!

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