Wednesday, September 16, 2020

and then there were three

Two  years ago

she was but a twinkle in your eyes

a breeze in your breath, a swirl in the 

sunny blue skies.

Two years ago, you would not even have thought of

such happiness that your home did not fall into the garage,

or that Dr. Karen would become Dr. Professor 

McKinnon, ahem.  

you were unknowing of what was to come, 

in front of all of us, you made your vows

the family cried, even that tall brother of yours,

the brusque one, even he could not hold back a 

deluge of emotion - we were still standing,

even the slightly balding red head on crutches. 

you know the one.  

it was a glorious day in Boulder, CO.

now, two years later, quarantined and restless,

the never ending grey of smoke drifting overhead,

here you are, the lovers Chris and Karen,

the result of this love, little Mira.

it’s a happy, if not tired, anniversary,

and we are here to celebrate with you.

Happy anniversary, my beloveds. 

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