Saturday, February 27, 2021

Walkin’ da bébé

Bella leads the way so the
Mira will smile, Opa being
Opa, the best grandpa ever,
strolling Mira home every night
walkin' da dog, walkin' da bebe.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

The Toybox

a plastic box with paperclips inside, fun to shake
a shiny medal from a long ago bike race on a long striped ribbon, cool in the mouth
a neck gator, red, black and blue for covering other things
some measuring spoons to shake and pull apart
a bracelet from Senegal, to hit things with and admire
the box my harmonica came in, empty now but fun to open and close
because I am playing my harmonica
two rolled up kitchen towels to unroll
and hand back to Mimi to roll up again,
a bag made of shiny, stretchy fabric, interesting to touch and stretch,
a small brush, having never scrubbed, feels good on the gums
as well as the Senegelese stick they use for theirs
All in a properly sized cardboard box.
Who needs toys?

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Looking forward

I changed my profile picture today at work
so I'd look young, engaged and energetic
as I prepared for retirement in less than 5 months.
I want to be remembered this way even as I
feel my motivation and enthusiasm dipping,
as my heart moves towards babies that will
inherit this broken world, who don't deserve
what we have made,
I can at least love them and guide them to 
change the world for the better, just as I hoped
I had done with my own.  
I still have a long road, to look out with 
eagerness and energy to make the world a better
place, in a broader way than helping us find
the stars when our earth needs us more. 

Monday, February 22, 2021

Sweet news

sweets with a card
of sweet news
the arrival of a sweet baby
during the sweet months of fall,
how sweet 
my sweet son and his wife
are having a baby

Friday, February 19, 2021

Uses for toilet paper

forget the pandemic.
the silly rush to the market to buy
rolls and rolls of toilet paper.
I just need one for my makeshift office
at the cabin in the mountains.
for my ergometric setup, screen at eye level
keyboard below.
a wrist support of two washcloths, 
that's all that's needed, really,
the many uses of toilet paper
besides the obvious.  

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Snow angel

yep, that's me 
because I am the one who is out there,
shoveling snow when it's 5F outside.
yes, he's inside, briefly opening the door
to take a photograph and scurry in,
wiping the snow from his slippers.
the dog rushes out to say hi,
and rushes back in to check her
food bowl.
I am the snow angel, with my shovel,
warmly dressed against the cold.
yep, that's me

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Be my valentine

be mine, little Sunshine,
dressed in hearts
I never want you to part.
you're my little Sunshine,
don't break my heart
California doesn't want you
the way I do
I want you to stay
so we can always play.

tag: Mira

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Waiting for the next one

when Mira goes home, there will be another one,
a small one who will take time to sit in this chair
being nestled against her mother's breast for some 
months, warm and safe.
we know this setup now with the small cup
and a couple bibs, a tiny spoon and a big tray
to contain some of the mess, supposedly.
we'll be ready when this new baby arrives,
our arms open and welcoming.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Fire and snow

The contrast was too great to comprehend.
The skeletal remains of a once-green and 
magnificent forest, now corpses to blow
down in the wind, the ghost of an inferno.
Now, blanketed in snow white, a skier
glides gracefully across well made tracks,
her dog prancing in and out of deep drifts,
only to run to catch up with her.
there is no smell of fire anymore, and the
infernal wind that must have blown has snuffed
out, leaving this landscape of black and white.

Thursday, February 11, 2021


It's Thursday, and I note in my diary
what I did, what I wanted to do.
Did;  Bella/work/Mira/work/drop off car/walk home/nap/make dinner/The Spy/poem/sleep
Want:  Read paper/French/Wolof/Mira/lunch/hike/nap/have Stephen make dinner for me/read/sleep
A big disconnect for now, but not for retirement, when I can do my want list
and more, or less

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The last of it

my birthday chocolate cake,
dense, rich cake iced with dark chocolate icing
I could have eaten the whole thing
but squirreled away a piece in the freezer,
buried under blueberries and waffles,
so only I would know, silently sliding it
out one day without telling "anyone"
and eating it all myself.
don't tell.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

No time like the present

After all, she is my captive
up in the room with golden walls.
no mother to scold, just me and her,
my little Mira
I will teach her Reverse Polish notation
so she can use my calculator when 
she needs it.
everyone needs a calculator and this
one, having traversed the hallways of 
MIT and Harvard will surely never

Monday, February 8, 2021

Love from a distance

he always sends me love.
and I to him, the strands of our friendship
sustained through years where not a word
was spoken, not a single letter, only
a memory, a Cat Stevens song that
always made me think of him and wonder
where he was until the day he reappeared
like magic, flickering, yes, but finally
bright and steady, my friend, Steve.
I'll take the socially distanced love, it's
as solid as the love that may stand in front
of you but that you never feel. 

Friday, February 5, 2021

He’s my son, sama doom bu goor

Ameth Dieye, the same name as
half the men in Senegal,
but he is my special son, the one I
traveled across the ocean to see, planes,
buses, taxis, arriving at a small city, hot,
in the interior of Senegal.
18 and silent in French, sullen, but happy
amazed that I was there, this white American 
woman, the one who sent letters and a soccer ball.
Now, 20 and smiling, in Italy, among pigeons,
squatting in front of a famous church somewhere
he is my son, sama doom bu goor.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

The channel changer

the Moon will have to wait
for as we study how to settle the dust
interruptions no doubt arise
in the form of small fingers
dancing over keyboards, eager
to explore other channels on this magic box.
this shiny screen that changes colors
with a swipe of the hand, 
dust be damned, the Moon
will wait.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

What I’m thinking about today

why not?
we need oxygen to breathe
but it's a bit much, let's add
some nitrogen, oh, our skin calls
for water    please.
at a party, we might breathe in He
and laugh like fools, like
Daffy Duck.
watch out, hydrogen is escaping quickly
and carbon dioxide needs a 

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

I know it’s in there somewhere

it's in there somewhere,
the bronze bracelet from Senegal
that I saw my grandmother slip in
while I was watching.
I love Mimi for hiding balls underneath
big Aluminum cups and letting me find them.
she gave me my own harmonica and sometimes
a sound comes out of it.
My Mimi loves me, I can tell, because
she kisses my head and holds me tight
when we go down the impossibly
steep stairs, I hear her feet shuffle
so carefully, stepping down one foot
at a time, grasping the banister
so very tight. 

Monday, February 1, 2021

Cloud Appreciation Society

I don't have my  membership card yet
but I do admire the clouds, the ones that
hover low on the ground in the dusk,
reflecting the shimmer of river
along which I stroll at the end of 
a day of work, seeking solace and 
calm, a break from the hum of the 
computer screen, the zigzag of the
Zoom video call, the pressure of headphones
against my ears, all the human buzz,
I find nature in the clouds that hover
above me, perhaps even God.