Thursday, February 25, 2021

The Toybox

a plastic box with paperclips inside, fun to shake
a shiny medal from a long ago bike race on a long striped ribbon, cool in the mouth
a neck gator, red, black and blue for covering other things
some measuring spoons to shake and pull apart
a bracelet from Senegal, to hit things with and admire
the box my harmonica came in, empty now but fun to open and close
because I am playing my harmonica
two rolled up kitchen towels to unroll
and hand back to Mimi to roll up again,
a bag made of shiny, stretchy fabric, interesting to touch and stretch,
a small brush, having never scrubbed, feels good on the gums
as well as the Senegelese stick they use for theirs
All in a properly sized cardboard box.
Who needs toys?

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