Thursday, September 30, 2021

Time to learn some chemistry

one can never start too early and 
Owen is otherwise a captive audience.
after all, the book is at his level and
his papa can explain anything that 
needs clarification.  
that's what papa's are for.
i imagine that his first toys will be
from a structural chemistry set that
Owen can use to understand bond 
angles and structures, starting with small
molecules like water and working up to 
tetradecylhyroxysilane, then on to 
DNA strands.
He has good ones, that's all I know. 9/30/2021

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Day 7: Head to feet

Meredith, the mother of mother,
 is feeling more positive about the little One,
our beloved Owen, 
her daughter holding him in her hands
head to feet.
If she feels more positive, I feel it, too.
and when the pulmonologist says he
doesn't need to stop by, the Owen will 
have his ups and downs, but will get to that
time when the tube is gone, the IV disconnected,
that it's just a matter of time.
this may not be poetry, but it is love
and it is patience. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

We are floating

we are floating in calm waters,
waiting, silent, the shore is far away
and there is no wind to bring us in
to solid ground.
there is water everywhere, places where
it is cloudy and we struggle to replace
it with clear, clean water, gradually
turning to air, clean, clear air that fills
the lungs and energizes the body.
the little body of Owen, the little one
that we love and want to bring home.  9/28/2021

Monday, September 27, 2021

In mama's arms

he rests in her arms,
feels her heat against his small body...
she feels his heat against her body...
they are one in this moment
regardless of breathing tubes, IVs,
electrodes on his tiny chest,
there is only mother and child
the way it should be

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Hold tight, little Owen

Hold on tight, Little Owen,
your papa is there in your tiny fist.
he is holding you so tight in his heart.
your maman, too, she may be busy
pumping milk for you, to make you strong,
to hurry you home in their arms
to your crib, your infant clothes which will
already to be too small
You are strong, little Owen,
we hold you in our hearts and wait
for you to be in our arms.  9/26/2021

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Day 3: This is where I go

This is where I go, where I will go
every day to connect with this mysterious,
unknowable, infinite universe in which is concealed
powers beyond belief, 
of which I know nothing
but in this moment, I will reach out to
this unknown and ask for healing and strength
for little Owen and all those who love him.
I do not know if this is God, nor do I care
I only know that we do not know what
is this powerful and unknowable expanse
resonating in time and space
and I will connect with it in this space
maybe that is called prayer.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Owen in NICU

life can turn so fast - 
our fear towards death, our hearts in our throats - 
praying to a God that we are not even sure exists, 
just to do - something.
our little Owen, machines breathing for you,
feeding you, measuring you, yet your face is
peaceful and with good color.
we will now begin this road towards weaning
you from the machines which are helping you
breathe and be nourished,
which will carry you along this road
towards recovery, I pray for the moment,
which will come,
when you will feel the sun and wind on your cheeks,
when you will be home with all those who love you. - 9/24/2021

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Welcome to the world, Owen

welcome to the world, Owen,
you rushed out so quickly that you left us
now you rest with your little oxygen tube
under many blankets, a little IV delivering 
nutrients and we wait ..
we wait for your lungs to clear out and
for your eyes to open, for you to regain 
energy after such an abrupt and hurried
departure from your mother's body.
we wait, impatiently, with heavy hearts,
but also with optimism and love,
we will wait, little One, until the moment
when we can hand you from one loving 
embrace to another. - 9/23/2021

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


She actually didn't understand it at all,
the difference between desorption and 
diffusion, or the concept of residence time.
Regardless of extended discourse on 
molecular dynamics and the complexities
of interfacial chemistry on surfaces,
she didn't get this, in spite of the 
confidence and bravado, in spite of many
explanations, I'm not sure she even got it
then, what is this task called mentoring
it is mothering, the long task of teaching,
a labor of love, or something like that.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Bread, finally

finally, the mornings are cool.
I smell yeast, rising bread as I descend the stairs
and the kitchen is warm, in spite of the cool
breeze blowing in from the back yard.
thank god for fall.
he slides the Dutch oven in and sets the timer
(which he never seems to hear).
when I come downstairs later scrounging 
for a snack, I come across this fine dense loaf.
finally, fall.  finally, fresh bread again.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Quasi-retirement works for me

there is no one here
but us.
a trail winds across the hillside
we weave through dense clumps of chokecherry
and currants,
then into the open, grasses swish against our legs
then back into deep shade of Colorado forest
and there is quiet
an occasional runner, a dog or two,
no one here but us
on this Monday, quiet Monday,
liberated from work
I enjoy the quiet.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Rocky Mountain HIgh

Rocky (trails, my poles slide off, jam between rocks, a nice trail for the sure-footed, a bit of a nightmare for the less nimble)
Mountain (we climb up and up, the distant mountains coming into view, one range after another, no trees up here, a moth clinging to a tiny aster in the wind, what else does it eat?)
High (I have not been so high in a long time, years gone since the Himalayas, since a young marriage, weekend backpacks after work)
I will not come back to this trail, having nearly fallen so many times, a sketchy balance, 
a bit too difficult for me, or maybe, just not so much fun.
No need to do what one does not want to do.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Packing for a hike

hiking poles and 
apples, peanut butter and bars,
gloves for weary hands
some ibuprofen for the morning
a prophylactic medication for unhappy
I even checked the parking pass to make 
sure it was for the right day, the ladies at 
the entrance suffer no incompetent fools 
like I was last time, begging entrance for a 
pass a week off.
Onward to Mt. Audubon.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

A Senegalese in a Spanish factory

This Senegalese man took a plane to Spain
to look at stuff,
stuff to sell in Senegal
a country that makes nothing, 
but sews the most beautiful clothing in the world
adorning beautiful, tall women, strong, 
a county with beautiful beaches; at dusk,
a soccer ball being passed from man to man so adeptly
so quickly
I lose track of it 
the mournful call to prayer, the pause
to consider something besides the almight dollar
this man in Spain seeks something Senegal does not
and should
but he leaves much behind.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

the stories we write

the stories we write
the pictures we draw
three pigs flying high over the sun
a mother and baby behind a fence
maybe they have wings or are they
conversation bubbles, or maybe a 
bonnet of some sort
these three pigs will build houses
and a wolf will try to eat them,
one will die,
the wolf will fall down the chimney into
a pot of boiling water
a small child wrote and illustrated
this story, a conglomeration of stories
she heard with her own stories
where pigs fly over suns and one
can build a strong house,
strong enough to withstand the attack of 
a hungry wolf
let that lesson stand

Monday, September 13, 2021

we are all beautiful

thinking ugly
so ugly, one asks to be cut
young girls being cut
not because they asked
we are all beautiful
since we all

Friday, September 10, 2021

Mira takes on the world

watch out world,
polo shirt, sun hat and smile.
a look of determination and confidence
she may be small yet, but let there be no
Mira will rule the world
sooner than you think.
if not the world, at least her mother,
can't wait.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Bee house

perched between the cast iron frying pan
and the rusted bar I found in the basement
I secured my homemade bee house
native bee house
not for those invasive honey bees
who monopolize my flowers
flying in from their hives miles away.
I want a house for my native bees, the ones
who live here in my yard or my neighbors.
i have built three houses for my bees
I wait for them to show up.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

remove the stink

It seemed that 
I washed at least one hundred of his
stinky boy T-shirts, because
everytime he hung them on the line to dry 
after washing, they smelled bad,
I sniffed critically and with disdain
what is it with men and their stink,
HE doesn't stink so what's with his T-shirts
while he's away, I do
a load with vinegar, following by 
washing in washing soda/baking soda,/salt/castille soap
jenny's mix.
Dried in Colorado sun.
I'm not even sure...
they still kind of stink
I put them in his drawers
sighing with resignation.
I'll hold my nose.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

water and air

water and air
I thought I needed to put the roots in dirt
water and air
is all it needs, she assured me
water and air
is easy, it's everywhere, if I remember
to add some
in the kitchen there is water and 
air is everywhere. 
it has grown, this gift, it is beautiful
and easy
we need water and air
and we, too, can be beautiful
if we choose to

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

How could you not see this

he said/she said
I believe her, that the corrugated tube
and the window slats were sitting right 
next to the air conditioner, waiting
patiently for her brother to pick them up,
to deliver them to their mother
(who so generously loaned such appliance 
in the heat of summer, of smoke and ozone)
the ac arrived, without the required hardware
to vent to the hot and smoky outside but 
he said he knew nothing about it, and
she said everything was right together,
obviously together.
I went back to the rental house and thankfully,
the corrugated tube and its accompanying window slat
were left out for me to pick up
at my convenience
it was actually not convenient, but that's ok
I believe her, not him.