Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Seeking beauty and finding it

amidst the impossibly thick greenery
(still wet from months of rain)
pink and white, yellow centered beauty
you practically shouted to me,
"Look! I am beautiful,
stop looking at all that needs to be done,
and admire that which has been done
for which you can take no credit
nor have you labored to achieve"

Saturday, May 27, 2023

It's beautiful but I just want to go home

I thought I was the big adventurer, the traveler.
inhaling every new scent, site and situation.
But I'm not, it's beautiful here, but I 
just want to go home, to the messy house,
and the dog walking, to times of boredom
hugging my friend, Julia,
and working on a problem with Yulia,
coffee in the morning on the back porch
and facing off with a month of "plants in the wrong places".
I want to go home where I don't really do anything,
because it's easier than not doing anything
far from home.
and my flute, the piano and guitar will all be waiting
for me and my clumsy efforts - I may even procrastinate
because composiing new music is hard.  
It's beautiful here but I just want to go home
where my brother is, the one who left for
months at a time.
We will walk and talk,
walk and talk
We'll both be home.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

What I actually wore

a scribble captures the moment, although mediocre

Although mediocre, the quiche satisfied the need
to sit and follow the Opa commandment to eat.
I have purchased hundreds of pens and notebooks
to support museum shops and I see the vestiges
of writing as I open them randomly at home, looking 
for an empty one, and finding a page or two 
transporting me back to that moment in a cafe
where the food was not great, but satisfied a need
at that moment, to sit and to eat.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023


Bread, cheese, ceviche, olives
tantalizing but at what cost and what rules
thrown in the trash if not eaten as we would do in 
America, the "land of the free and the brave"
we ate and it was good
in this land of Lisbon, and we ate more
after pointing to unknown words like peixe
and drinking wine and we paid our bill
scribbled on a pad by a man who barked
"no English" but he did
I knew it and I smiled at him.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

words are loyal

I've taken to 
the words of others, loyalty to another writer,
the loyalty of words, shared, as I write of theirs
Let's write of chafing, or bonding and their tired relationship
as a wife and her husband hold hands only to run from each
other for a breath of fresh air, then coming together

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Advice to myself

Only read poems that speak to you.