Saturday, May 27, 2023

It's beautiful but I just want to go home

I thought I was the big adventurer, the traveler.
inhaling every new scent, site and situation.
But I'm not, it's beautiful here, but I 
just want to go home, to the messy house,
and the dog walking, to times of boredom
hugging my friend, Julia,
and working on a problem with Yulia,
coffee in the morning on the back porch
and facing off with a month of "plants in the wrong places".
I want to go home where I don't really do anything,
because it's easier than not doing anything
far from home.
and my flute, the piano and guitar will all be waiting
for me and my clumsy efforts - I may even procrastinate
because composiing new music is hard.  
It's beautiful here but I just want to go home
where my brother is, the one who left for
months at a time.
We will walk and talk,
walk and talk
We'll both be home.

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