Sunday, April 14, 2024

from family debris to space debris

her eyes looked into mine 
what was the path from family debris to space debris
I pondered and laughed inside
there were no science fairs or encouraging parents
my guinea pigs and hamsters ministered to my dreams
such as they were
dust bunnies, too.
what a curious question she was asking
the same probing one I might ask, 
I liked this woman, I would like to see her again. 
there must be truth somewhere in all this debris,
these clouded family stories fabricated to oppress,
no, there were not intentions, just ignorance and pain.
isn't life a mysterious dark cloud into which the 
lost drift, seemingly with no direction, but mine,
mine was to find truth somewhere
and in the end,
protecting those we love from debris,
whether the eyes of the most powerful space telescopes 
or our eyes gazing up to the stars.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

The joy of being together, the sorrow of saying good-bye

building snowmen and catching iron filings,
a magnet suspended from a string
the blackberry branch bending 
gracefully towards the water.
I am awakened, so many times,
to hold her hand, bathed in a purple
hue, the sound of waves.  
Nana and Grandpa Tom, Opa and Mimi,
four is barely enough for this Princess
her hair blowing in the icy wind,
Bella straining at the leash as she
shuffles along in flowered rain boots,
and then, she is gone, the house echoes
of silence, colorful toys put away, 
joy has left us and I feel an ache
in my heart, the sorrow of saying

Happy Birthday, Daniel!


That day, he was happy, reaching for the sky,
or maybe it was that moment that the camera caught his smile.
It could have been that he was too busy to smile a moment ago,
and a moment later, angry that a stick had fallen from his hand.
And today, flying down impossibly steep hills on silver skis,
he must be smiling underneath that helmet, the body knows its own
happiness, after all, and later yet, a glass raised, dancing under
a glittering light, he smiles yet again.
My wish for Daniel is to have many smiles.