Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Closing of his eyes

His eyes are closed now, the dappled sun no longer fills our eyes
like it did that October 18 when his son and I joined hands in front of 
friends and family.
It was Fall Equinox where the day and night approach each other, where
nighttime comes sooner every evening, and, in that moment, I should have known that 
night would eventually fall, and day would no longer arrive.
his days have ended, even as ours will continue through this Fall Equinox
and back towards Spring, where the sun will arrive a little earlier and 
leave a little later.
perhaps this is what we should remember in this current moment of darkness and loss.
but, wait for that moment to arrive naturally, as the weeks pass by and we
spend weeks of winter and cold, long nights as there
is no way to rush into Spring, the shallow joy of forever Spring
does not appeal as one would miss the gradual swelling of brown buds
into the pale green that promises Spring.  
Let his eyes rest in darkness, as ours swell with occasional tears.
Do not rush towards happiness, but rest quietly in appreciation of
what was, and what was lost.  
RIP, Big Papa.  


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