Do not be deceived by the grey muzzle, the closed eyes in the recliner.
We are ready to fight for our lives,
For their lives, for the children, the disabled and the elderly,
For us, for our Earth.
We may look sleepy in the recliner, but we will rouse ourselves
From slumber, from the apathy that comes from the expectation of
A government that kept working, the National Parks that welcomed us,
The Social Security checks, children in school, nurses caring for us across America.
Having come to expect that everything will continue as it has,
We are awakened by the Orange Monster and the black MAGA hat,
The ones who dispense lies like the Pez we used to gobble in our childhoods.
Just as the sugar was not good for us then, this diet will kill us if we don't wake up.
Rest for today, but rise tomorrow for the fight, I will join you there.
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