Thursday, March 20, 2025

Darkness and Light at Equinox

The beauty of the daffodils and the forsythia alongside the house
stopped me short, to take this photograph. 
Death was the only thing on my mind, my heart heavy,
Tears flowing down my cheeks,  how 
Dare the brilliant yellows intrude upon the dark side of this equinox.
I am in the darkest place with the news this Spring, when 
We should have been rejoicing in sunshine, the light has turned
Away from us, from me, from those I love more than my 
Own small life.
I took out my phone to capture the beauty alongside my small house, 
The yellows are blurry with tears, but insistent to be noticed.
To call me into the light from this dark place.
Today I don't know how, but the daffodils and 
The forsythia will still be there this afternoon, 
Tomorrow, to greet me
Alongside my small house, they do not know
Grief, only beauty.  


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