It was a long drive from Boulder
to Lamar, and the brilliant rash
spreading across the girl’s neck
nixed any thought of buying the Pomeranian.
A tired father glanced around for
another solution and set eyes on
a tiny dog staring at him from a
small cage, huge ears erect, shining eyes.
One look was all it took, an
instant communication; what
took you so long to get me?
Penny quickly became part of the pack,
the alpha member of the family.
All seven pounds.
She let them sleep with her as
long as they didn’t hog the bed,
and she had access to her ladder
to get down in the morning.
Sometimes she forgot she was
so little, looking way up at a dog
she’d been trying to boss around,
Dad sure came in handy then.
Sallie, Ashley, Chuck and Irene
all fell into line nicely.
Seven pounds of puppy,
large as life,
sorely missed.
Photo courtesy of http://flickr.com/photos/anda74/2082533524/
Penny died last week. She was much loved.
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