Sunday, December 27, 2009

offensive, indeed

some are offended when asked
how much weight they have gained,
or that they look terrible in their new
dress; how it’s incredible that they
don’t understand how to solve
a set of coupled partial differential
equations even though they were
an English major, or reminded once
again how they met long ago, in
let’s say, non-ideal circumstances.
tonight, our hostess was offended,
although she solves differential equations
in her sleep, looks fabulous in any outfit
from working out religiously in the gym,
has a fascinating and charming husband
in her home town of Liege.
I brought my own knives, believing
that hers were not sharp enough.
Now, that’s offensive.


Cecile said...

It reminds me another story.

I used to go to a breakfast place. I love their breakfast but I hate their coffee.
I always thought to bring my own cup of coffee. I never did because I was afraid that they are offended. So, I stopped going there because I really couldn't drink their coffee.

So, please bring your own knifes. I don't want you to stop coming to my place just because you don't like my knifes but you are afraid to bring yours.

I promised I won't be offended. ;)

Genevieve said...

Ma chere Cecile, Bien sur je viendrais sans mes couteaux la prochaine fois! Gros bisous!