Monday, April 4, 2011

Homage to Vasko Popa

Imitation is the Highest Form of Flattery - in admiration for Vasko Popa, although I apologize for making this imitation so incredibly dark

I started writing this poem while watching the Moon;

One runs away holding her hands
towards the heavens hoping to catch raindrops
that will quench her unending thirst

and feeling hungry, I continued the next stanza;
Another watches from inside the white picket fence
chewing turnip greens and gulping Coca-Cola,
he drops to his knees, sobbing, 
and I realized I would sob also combining those
two foodstuffs,
his tears staining the bloody earth

this stanza can only come from the rather
odd lines from the great poet himself;
The third stands on the roof
looking into the distance, 
upon seeing nothing
he jumps joyfully to his death.

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