Monday, April 18, 2011

Lonely Stars, Seeking Souls

A billion stars and more, intergalactic debris, clouds, lonely atoms
missing their electrons, gamma rays and x-rays, all seeking
life, our tiny lives with blue socks and missing shoes we look
for under the couch before getting the daily newspaper hidden in
the bushes.

We look heavenward through a haze of city smog on summer nights
holding the hand of someone we love, seeking life outside
the cramped box we call home with greasy ceilings and unswept floors,
mangy dogs licking themselves, briefcases unopened.
A billion stars, a billion people and more gaze at each other
across lightyears wondering where they have been and where they
are going. 

picture from

1 comment:

Scott said...

A billion stars, a billion relationship they dance across the universe sending out messages of star stuff and people stuff. Only the stuff differs. I like this one. You're good.