Sunday, June 26, 2011

Is Daisy Dead?

lying on her side, lolling head, eyelids half shut,
the lens of her eyes dried over
is she dead?
finally dead after thirteen years
blind with blue cataracts, blundering into the
walls, wondering where she is
is she dead?
guilt rises in my throat that I ever wished
her dead when cleaning messes, refilling food,
taking care
is she dead?
in the summer the soil is soft and yielding
for a new grave next to the others,
a good time to die,
but is she really dead?
I call to her and she rouses herself,
bumps into the wall going the wrong
direction, then dashes towards
another bunch of carrot tops.
she’s alive.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Whew! Glad to see that Daisy lives to enjoy another day in the sunbeam on your floor.