Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The New T.V.

Three years, seven months later I agreed it was time
to upgrade to the smallest LED T.V. you can buy,
a piece of the American Dream to watch T.V. while lounging
on the bed, silk pajamas rustling in the air conditioning,
the Afghan hound sleeping on the oriental rug adjacent
to our King size bed with its matching duvet cover.
The servant brought us a mango margarita and peeled grapes
as we settled in for another exciting episode of 24 before
the butler took our slippers off for the evening, turned
down the bed, leaving us our nightly piece of chocolove.

1 comment:

frizatch said...

Ah yes, I heard about this thing. I, personally, still feel like I've never bought a TV in my life, but I do have a massive one in my house. I'd rather have that mango marg. Sip!