Wednesday, August 31, 2011

what are you thinking in the middle of the night

what are you thinking in the middle of the night while the world sleeps
next to you, slightly snoring dreaming of having eaten more than his share
of rhubarb crisp and you are awake
thinking of molecules rushing from place to place until they land
somewhere very cold, colder even than Alaska where my friend
loved to ski, nut that she is with her red nose
we drink together every Tuesday night.
have you felt guilty for eating my rhubarb pie, I ask him
while he sleeps but he does not respond and I wonder
if tomorrow he will weigh more and regret his actions.
thinking of watermelon seeds, research not getting done,
how when your hair gets all grey you must dye it as soon
as you see the grey part, it looks so dreadful otherwise.
the clock is ticking away the minutes of precious time until
I must think again in my office chair, better get to
sleep and stop thinking in the middle of the night...

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