Wednesday, December 5, 2012


she's actually not very nice, helpful, generous or calm,
preferring to sequester herself up a steep set of stairs away
from the family, man and dog on the couch relaxing as
they are prone to do, too far away behind two closed doors
to even hear them and she even sleeps with ear plugs so the
snoring and heavy breathing do not interfere with understanding
the velocity distributions of micrometeoroids in space and how that
might affect the high accuracy star tracker on mission X.
actually, she tends to be bossy, express overconfident characteristics,
and have limited patience for most everything including,
but not limited to, people who do not interest her, dogs who
stop to sniff every 5 feet, calculations that have been done before,
doing laundry or any other household related task.
she loves to ride her bike over piles of dry leaves
and hear them crackle under her tires.

1 comment:

Jim said...

Too harsh on yourself! We are all imperfect, flaws inside and out. A histogram is not you, just a distorted reflection that amplifies our own misgivings about ourselves.